果生刺盘孢菌Colletotrichum fructicola群体遗传结构研究
朱丹雪, 周国英, 徐建平, 刘君昂, 李河
Population genetic structure of Colletotrichum fructicola
Dan-Xue ZHU, Guo-Ying ZHOU, Jian-Ping XU, Jun-Ang LIU, He LI
表1 果生刺盘孢菌样品的地理分布及单倍型多样性 |
Table 1 Geographical distributions and haplotype diversity of Colletotrichum fructicola samples |
地区 Site | 纬度 Latitude | 经度 Longitude | 样品数量 Sample size | ITS单倍体型(数量) Haplotype (number) | 单倍体型多样性 Haplotype diversity | GenBank接收号 Accession number | 江西观上 (JXGS) | 28.016 | 115.659 | 19 | 5(18); 9(1) | 0.100 | KJ131647- KJ131665 | 江西长埠 (JXCB) | 27.564 | 114.626 | 24 | 5(24) | 0.000 | KJ131672- KJ131695 | 海南五指山 (HNWZS) | 18.780 | 109.520 | 5 | 5(4); 7(1) | 0.320 | KJ131606- KJ131610 | 湖南天际岭 (HNTJL) | 28.113 | 113.049 | 12 | 5(9); 4(1); 13(1); 2(1) | 0.417 | KJ131696- KJ131707 | 湖南马家河 (HNMJH) | 27.818 | 113.043 | 11 | 5(9); 6(1); 9(1) | 0.314 | KJ131708- KJ131718 | 湖南浏阳 (HNLY) | 28.364 | 113.448 | 27 | 5(25); 3(1); 6(1) | 0.140 | KJ131729- KJ131755 | 湖南怀化 (HNHH) | 28.533 | 110.967 | 15 | 5(14); 10(1) | 0.124 | KJ131756- KJ131770 | 湖北随州 (HBSZ) | 32.267 | 113.431 | 14 | 5(7); 12(6); 11(1) | 0.561 | KJ131629- KJ131642 | 福建龙岩 (FJLY) | 25.379 | 117.301 | 11 | 5(10); 8(1) | 0.165 | KJ131611- KJ131621 | 重庆秀山 (CQXS) | 28.750 | 109.633 | 7 | 5(6); 1(1) | 0.245 | KJ131622- KJ131628 |