
Taxonomic comments on edible species of Russulaceae
Xiang-Hua WANG
图1 基于DNA序列构建的红菇科系统发育树和属下分类系统以及代表食毒物种
树的拓扑结构由下列研究整合而来:Buyck et al. (2008) 关于红菇科的系统发育关系,de Crop et al. (2017) 关于多汁乳菇属的属下分类系统,Buyck et al. (2018)Wang et al. (2019)关于红菇属的属下分类系统,Wang et al. (2018) 关于叉褶菇属的属下分类系统. 加粗的分支在以上研究中获得显著支持率. 枝长仅为示意图,并不必然与上述研究中显示的成比例
Fig. 1 Molecular phylogeny of Russulaceae and representative edible and poisonous species.
The tree is constructed by integrating the following studies: Buyck et al. (2008) on Russulaceae, de Crop et al. (2017) on Lactifluus, Buyck et al. (2018) and Wang et al. (2019) on Russula and Wang et al. (2018) on Multifurca. Thick branches received significant supports in these studies. Branch lengths are of schematic diagram, not necessarily corresponding to the exact values.