簇生岐柄菌的超微形态学研究 |
李文秀,周艳辉,刘朴,李玉 |
Ultrastructural characteristics of Cavenderia fasciculata |
LI Wen-Xiu,ZHOU Yan-Hui,LIU Pu,LI Yu |
图1 透射电镜下簇生岐柄菌的孢子细胞、黏变形体细胞和柄细胞内部的超微结构 A:纵切孢子细胞中的极粒(pg)、细胞核(n)、线粒体(m)和近光滑且薄厚不均匀的细胞壁(cw);B:横切孢子细胞中的极粒(pg)和厚细胞壁(cw);C:处于细胞中央的细胞核(n)和围绕核分布的线粒体(m);D:单个形状不规则的黏变形体(箭头);E:黏变形体细胞中的线粒体(m)、细胞核(n)、多泡体(mb)和伸缩泡(cv);F:细胞核膜与自噬泡膜相互融合;G:黏变形体细胞中的线粒体(m)、细胞核(n)、食物泡(fv)、自噬泡(av)和内质网(er);H:柄细胞中的线粒体(m)、细胞壁(cw)、与外鞘层平行的纤维素壁(p)、与内鞘层无规则的纤维素壁(r)、细胞核膜与自噬泡膜相互融合(蓝箭头)和模糊的核膜(红箭头);I:完全空泡化的柄细胞外部被纤维素化合物包被 |
Fig. 1 Ultrastructures of cell of spore, myxamoeba and sorophore of Cavenderia fasciculata under TEM. A: Polar granules (pg), nucleus (n), mitochondria (m) in longitudinal cut of spore cell and nearly smooth and uneven cell wall (cw); B: Polar granules (pg) in crosscutting spore cell and thick cell wall (cw); C: Nucleus (n) in the center of cell and mitochondria (m) around nucleus; D: A single, irregularly shaped myxamoeba (arrow); E: Mitochondria (m), nucleus (n), multivesicular body (mb) and contractile vacuole (cv) in cell of myxamoeba; F: Fusion of nuclear membrane and autophagic vesicle (arrow); G: Mitochondria (m), nucleus (n), food vacuole (fv), autophagic vesicle (av) and endoplasmic reticulum (er) in cell of myxamoeba; H: Mitochondria (m), cell wall (cw), parallel cellulose fibrils of outer sheath layer (p), random cellulose fibrils of inner sheath layer (r) in sorophore cell, fusion of nuclear membrane of sorophore cell nuclear membrane and autophagic vesicle membrane (blue arrow) and unclear nuclear membrane (red arrow); I: Completely vacuolated sorophore cells are coated with cellulose compounds. |