
Two novel species of Botryosphaeria causing stem canker of blueberries from China
CHU Rui-Tian,DOU Zhi-Peng,HE Wei,ZHANG Ying
Fig. 2 Maximum parsimony tree generated from sequence analysis of the combined ITS, tef1-α, TUB and LSU dataset of Botryosphaeria species. Designated out group taxon is Neofusicoccum luteum and N. parvum. Bootstrap support values for maximum parsimony (MP) greater than 60% are shown above at the nodes. Bayesian bootstrap (BP) posterior probability scores above 0.80 are shown under the branches (*MP value less than 60% or BP value less than 0.80). The species characterized in this study are in red, and the ex-type strains are in boldface.