
Overview of China’s nomenclature novelties of fungi in the new century (2000-2020)
WANG Ke,CHEN Shuang-Lin,DAI Yu-Cheng,JIA Ze-Feng,LI Tai-Hui,LIU Tie-Zhi,PHURBU Dorji,MAMUT Reyim,SUN Guang-Yu,BAU Tolgor,WEI Sheng-Long,YANG Zhu-Liang,YUAN Hai-Sheng,ZHANG Xiu-Guo,CAI Lei
图1 2000-2020年中国学者发表菌物新名称数量及在世界的贡献
Fig. 1 New fungal names published by Chinese scholars and the contribution of Chinese scholars to the world from 2000 to 2020.