蜜环菌菌索分化的差异蛋白质组学研究 |
李兵,刘柳,郭顺星 |
Differential proteome of Armillaria melleain association with fungal rhizomorph differentiation |
LI Bing,LIU Liu,GUO Shun-Xing |
图1 蜜环菌菌丝形成菌索蛋白质组定量质控及差异蛋白分析 A:定量蛋白峰面积归一化结果;主成分分析(B)和聚类分析(C):蜜环菌菌索与菌丝聚类为两个不同的类群;D:蜜环菌菌索与菌丝间差异表达蛋白分布结果(红色为上调蛋白,蓝色为下调蛋白) |
Fig. 1 Quantitative control of SWATH label-free quantitative proteome of Armillaria mellea rhizomorphs differentiated from hypha and volcano plot of differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) between rhizomorph and hypha. A: Total quantified protein areas after normalized; B and C: Indicated rhizomorph and hypha were classed into different group by PCA and clustering analysis; D: Volcano plot of DEPs between rhizomorph group and hypha group (red blots, up-regulated proteins; blue blots, down-regulated proteins). |