
Three fungal strains isolated from stroma of Ophiocordyceps sinensis and their culture conditions
MENG Yun,TANG Han-Yao,SHI Jin-Duo,WANG Dun
图1 三种真菌菌落形态
A、D:QH 2019正、反面;B、E:GL 2019正、反面;C、F:YN 2019正、反面
Fig. 1 The characteristic features of three fungi in petri dish.
A, D: Samsoniella hepiali QH 2019 obverse side and reverse side colony; B, E: Isaria farinosa GL 2019 obverse side and reverse side colony; C, F: Isaria fumosorosea YN 2019 obverse side and reverse side colony.