薏苡黑粉菌基因组测序揭示其物种分类及适应性进化 |
李祥栋,郑传奇,陆秀娟,潘虹,魏心元,石明,付瑜华,陆平,高爱农,周美亮 |
Sequencing of adlay smut fungus genome provides insights into pathogen taxonomy and adaptive evolution |
LI Xiangdong,ZHENG Chuanqi,LU Xiujuan,PAN Hong,WEI Xinyuan,SHI Ming,FU Yuhua,LU Ping,GAO Ainong,ZHOU Meiliang |
图2 薏苡黑粉菌染色体框架(A)及基因注释(B) Ⅰ:圆圈表示染色体;Ⅱ-Ⅳ:分别为30 kb窗口下的基因密度、重复和GC含量;Ⅴ:中间每条连线为1对同源基因 |
Fig. 2 Chromosome frame and gene annotation of Ustilago coicis genome. Ⅰ: Circler represents the chromosome pseudomolecule; Ⅱ-Ⅳ: Gene density, percentage of repeats, and GC content in 30 kb window; Ⅴ: Each linking line in the center of the circle connects a pair of homologous genes. |
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