捕食线虫真菌少孢节丛孢Arthrobotrys oligospora线粒体基因组的异质性
Evident presence of heteroplasmy in the mitochondrial genomes of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora
LI Shuoshuo1,2,WANG Da1,2,FANG Meiling1,2,ZHANG Ying1,*()

图5. (A)三代单孢菌株共享单倍型事件分析维恩图;(B) F3中同一家系同一分支单孢菌株共享单倍型事件分析

Fig. 5. (A) Venn diagrams of shared haplotype events based on single-spore strains from three generations; (B) Haplotype events based on single-spore of the same branch of the same lineage from the F3.