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Five species of Nectriaceae new to China
ZENG Zhaoqing*(),ZHUANG Wenying

图3. 剑孢新赤壳 (HMAS 290889)
A-C:自然基物上的子囊壳;D,E:25 ℃培养7 d的菌落形态 (D:PDA;E:SNA);F:子囊壳纵切面结构;G-I:子囊及子囊孢子;J-L:子囊孢子;M,N:分生孢子梗和小型分生孢子;O:小型分生孢子;P-S:大型分生孢子. 标尺:A-C=1 mm;F=50 μm;G-S=10 μm

Fig. 3. Neocosmospora protoensiformis (HMAS 290889).
A-C: Ascomata on natural substratum; D, E: Colonies after 7 d at 25 °C (D: PDA; E: SNA); F: Median section of an ascoma; G-I: Asci with ascospores; J-L: Ascospores; M, N: Conidiophores and microconidia; O: Microconidia; P-S: Macroconidia. Bars: A-C=1 mm; F=50 μm; G-S=10 μm.