采自中国西南地区的地锤菌属两新种 |
杨祝良 |
Two new species of Cudonia (Rhytismatales) from southwestern China |
YANG Zhuliang |
Fig. 3 Cudonia furfuracea (from the type, HKAS 45675). A: Ascomata. B: Ascospores, a few of them with gelatinous sheaths and caps. C: Conidia, and two ascospores producing conidia. D: Stromatic membrane covering the hymenium in longitudinal section through the ascigerous head. Its outer portion is gelatinised and shaded by irregular density of dots. E: Longitudinal section of stipe showing the trama and the squamules on its surface (the left side). F: Hymenium showing asci at different stages of development, and paraphyses. Scale bars: A=1 cm, B, C=10 μm, D-F=20 μm. |
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