
The role of mycorrhizal fungi in improving drought tolerance of epiphytic orchid: a case study on Coelogyne viscosa
LIU Na,ZHAO Zeyu,SHI Lixin,YANG Luna,XING Xiaoke
Fig. 5 Annotated diagram of GO secondary nodes of the DEGs of D6-CK_vs_D6-hy-111 and the specific proportion of each GO terms (BP, MF and CC). A: Annotated diagram of GO secondary nodes of the DEGs. B: BP module. C: MF module. D: CC module. D6-CK: Seedlings of the control group on the 6th day under drought stress. D6-hy-111: Seedlings inoculated with hy-111 on the 6th day under drought stress. All: The number of all genes annotated to the GO classification. DE: Number of DEGs annotated to the GO classification. The abscissa is GO classification, the left of the ordinate is the percentage of gene number, and the right is the number of genes.