
Analyses of volatile flavor components in four sanghuang fungi
YANG Juanjuan,SUN Bo,WANG Zhuoren,LIU Qiyan,ZHAO Huizhang,ZHOU Hongying
图1 三种萃取头对SH48挥发性物质萃取结果比较
Fig. 1 A comparison of volatile substances in S. vaninii SH48 extracted with three extraction heads.
There are 4 kinds of the same components extracted from SH48 by three extraction heads; 1 kind of the same component extracted from CAR/PDMS and DVB/PDMS, 2 kinds of the same components extracted from DVB/CAR/PDMS and CAR/PDMS; 12 kinds of specific compounds extracted from DVB/CAR/PDMS, 2 kinds of specific compounds extracted from CAR/PDMS, and only 1 kind of specific compound extracted from DVB/PDMS.