
Functional analysis of the survival factor gene MoSVF1 in Magnaporthe oryzae
FU Xianhui,WANG Yu,MA Yutong,JIANG Cong,ZHANG Xue
图2 稻巨座壳MoSVF1的基因敲除及回补菌株MoSvf1C的构建
A:稻巨座壳MoSVF1基因敲除的模式图. MoSVF1为目标基因,潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因为筛选基因. B:MoSVF1基因敲除的PCR检测结果. 泳道G为目标基因MoSVF1,泳道U为MoSVF1上臂序列,泳道D为MoSVF1下臂序列,泳道H为潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因;P为野生型对照,N为PCR空白对照,Mosvf1-13、Mosvf1-15和Mosvf1-21为3个转化子独立重复实验结果. C:MoSvf1C回补菌株的PCR检测结果. MoSvf1C-1、MoSvf1C-2、MoSvf1C-3和MoSvf1C-4为4个转化子独立重复实验结果,N为PCR空白对照
Fig. 2 The targeted deletion of MoSVF1 gene and insertion of MoSVF1 gene.
A: Schematic diagram of MoSVF1 gene replacement in Magnaporthe oryzae genome. MoSVF1 represents the target gene; Hygromycin phosphotransferase cassette represents selective marker gene. B: PCR products showed the target gene (lane G), the occurrence of homologous recombination at the upstream (lane U), downstream (lane D) flanking sequences of the MoSVF1 gene and hygromycin phosphotransferase cassette (H) in the wild type (P), mutant strains (Mosvf113, Mosvf1-15, and Mosvf1-21) selected for detailed analysis and control group (N). C: PCR products showed insertion of MoSVF1 gene in the complementary strains MoSvf1C-1, MoSvf1C-2, MoSvf1C-3 and MoSvf1C-4. N represents control group.