




1)  Zhou W., Pian R., Yang F., Chen X., Zhang Q.* (2021) The sustainable mitigation of ruminal methane and carbon dioxide emissions by co-ensiling corn stalk with Neolamarckia cadamba leaves for cleaner livestock production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 311, 127680.

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3)  He Q., Zhou W., Chen X.*, Zhang Q.* (2021). Chemical and bacterial composition of Broussonetia papyrifera leaves ensiled at two ensiling densities with or without Lactobacillus plantarum. Journal of Cleaner Production, 329, 129792.

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6)  Wang C., Pian R., Chen X.*, Zhang Q.* (2021). Effects of polyphenol oxidases on proteolysis and lipolysis duringensiling of Moringa oleifera leaves with or without pyrocatechol. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 275, 114870.

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8)  He L., Zhou W., Xing Y., Pian R., Chen X.*, Zhang, Q.* (2020). Improving the quality of rice straw silage with Moringa oleifera leaves and propionic acid: Fermentation, nutrition, aerobic stability and microbial communities. Bioresource Technology, 299, 122579.

9)  He L., Lv H., Xing Y., Wang C., You X., Chen X.*, Zhang, Q.* (2020). The nutrients in Moringa oleifera leaf contribute to the improvement of stylo and alfalfa silage: Fermentation, nutrition and bacterial community. Bioresource Technology, 301, 122733.

10)  Wang Y., Zhou W., Wang C., Yang F., Chen X.*, Zhang, Q.* (2020). Effect on the ensilage performance and microbial community of adding Neolamarckia cadamba leaves to corn stalks. Microbial Biotechnology, 13, 1502–1514.
