

唐芳,女,副教授,1983年4月生,美国肯塔基大学博士,植物生理学专业,2016年作为高层次人才被内蒙古农业大学草原与资源环境学院引进,2019年获内蒙古自治区第九批“草原英才”(刚性引进人才)称号,现为内蒙古自治区农牧厅 “内蒙古自治区饲草种业科技创新团队专家”,《草地学报》青年编委。主要开展豆科牧草栽培利用与分子遗传育种及植物-微生物互作相关研究,在牧草抗非生物胁迫机理解析及豆科牧草-根瘤菌互作的寄主特异性研究方面有较强优势。迄今为止,共主持国家自然科学青年基金,内蒙古自然科学基金,高层次留学人才回国工作资助项目等多个基金项目,并作为专题主持人参与内蒙古自治区科技重大专项课题研究;在PNAS,Plant Physiology,Molecular Plant等知名SCI期刊共发表学术论文10余篇,参编专著2部,参与培育内蒙古自治区牧草新品种1个,参与发明实用新型专利5项,参与获得软件著作权7项。



1. Zhang Zhiqiang, Chen Qi, Sa Rula, Dai Rui, Shuang Shuang, Jiang Xiaohong, Liu Huijie, Tan Yao, Tang Fang*, and Temuer Buhe*. Morphological and Biochemical Factors Associated with Constitutive Defense to Thrips in Alfalfa, Agronomy, 2022, 12(5):1175.

2. Wang Jia, Tang Fang, Gao Cuiping, Gao Xia, Xu Bo, Shi Fengling*. Comparative transcriptome between male fertile and male sterile alfalfa (Medicago varia). Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2021, 27:1487–1498.

3. Yang Yanting, Gu Rui, Dong Jiaqi, Zhang Yutong, Shi Fengling*, Tang Fang*. Identification by SSR and SRAP and heterosis analysis of F1 hybrids (Medicago ruthenica L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops , 2021, 26 (2):163-169 . 

4. Xu Bo, Wu Rina, Tang Fang, Gao Cuiping, Gao Xia, Shi Fengling*. Haploid culture and double haploid induction in Medicago sativa L. cv. XinJiangDaYe. Legume Research, 2021, (44): 275-280

5. Tang Fang, Yang Shengming, Liu Jinge, and Zhu Hongyan*. Rj4, a gene controlling nodulation specificity in soybeans, encodes a thaumatin-like protein, but not the one previously reported. Plant Physiology, 2016, 170(1): 26-32

6. Tang Fang, Yang Shengming, Zhu Hongyan*. Functional analysis of alternative transcripts of the soybean Rj2 gene that restricts nodulation with specific rhizobial strains. Plant Biology, 2016, 18(3): 537-541

7. Tang Fang, Yang Shengming, Liu Jinge, GaoMuqiang, Zhu Hongyan*. Fine mapping of the Rj4 locus, a gene controlling nodulation specificity in soybean. Molecular Breeding, 2014, 33(3): 691-700

8. Tang Fang#, Yang Shengming#, Gao Muqiang, Zhu Hongyan*. Alternative splicing is required for RCT1-mediated disease resistance in Medicago truncatula. Plant Molecular Biology, 2013, 82(4-5): 367-374

9. Yang Shengming, Tang Fang, Caixeta Eveline Teixeira, Zhu Hongyan*. Epigenetic regulation of a powdery mildew resistance gene in Medicago truncatula. Molecular Plant, 2013, 6: 2000-2003

10. Wang Dong, Yang Shengming, Tang Fang, Zhu Hongyan*. Symbiosis specificity in the legume–rhizobial mutualism. Cellular Microbiology, 2012, 14(3): 334-342

11. Yang Shengming, Tang Fang, Gao Muqiang, Krishnan Hari B. Zhu Hongyan*. R gene-controlled host specificity in the legume–rhizobia symbiosis. PNAS, 2010, 107(43): 18735-18740
