

任海燕,内蒙古农业大学教授、博士生导师。2022年入选国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才,2018年入选内蒙古自治区“草原英才”和中国科学院“西部之光”,2020年获得霍英东教育基金会青年教师基金资助。致力于草地资源与管理、全球变化生态学和稳定同位素生态学的研究,在Ecological MonographsGlobal Change BiologyEnvironmental Science & TechnologyJournal of Ecology等主流学术期刊发表论文40余篇,主编学术专著1部。主持国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目和国家自然科学基金等科研项目10余项。


1. Ren HY, Xu ZW, Isbell F, Huang JH, Han XG, Wan SQ, Chen SP, Wang RZ, Zeng D-H, Jiang Y, Fang YT. Exacerbated nitrogen limitation ends transient stimulation of grassland productivity by increased precipitation. Ecological Monographs, 2017, 87(3):457–469.

2. Ren HY, Han GD, Li M-H, Gao CP, Jiang L. Ethylene-regulated leaf lifespan explains divergent responses of plant productivity to warming among three hydrologically different growing seasons. Global Change Biology, 2021, 27(17):4169–4180.

3. Ren HY, Kang J, Yuan ZY, Xu ZW, Han GD. Responses of nutrient resorption to warming and nitrogen fertilization in contrasting wet and dry years in a desert grassland. Plant and Soil, 2018, 432(1):65–73.

4. Ren HY, Xu ZW, Zhang WH, Jiang L, Huang JH, Chen SP, Wang LX, Han XG. Linking ethylene to nitrogen-dependent leaf longevity of grass species in a temperate steppe. Annals of Botany, 2013, 112(9):1879–1885.

5. Ren HY, Tian L, Zhu Y, Xu ZW, Zeng D-H, Fang YT, Han GD. Nitrogen and water addition alter nitrogen uptake preferences of two dominant plant species in a typical Inner Mongolian steppe. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(13):1459–1468.
