姚喜喜, 王立亚, 严振英, 李泉林, 王有彬, 马秉云, 雷延民, 周睿, 谢久祥
Characteristics of Forage Nutritional Quality and Digestibility in Different Types of Grassland in Qinghai Tibet Plateau and their Correlation
YAO Xi-xi, WANG Li-ya, YAN Zhen-ying, LI Quan-lin, WANG You-bin, MA Bing-yun, LEI Yan-min, ZHOU Rui, XIE Jiu-xiang
草地学报 . 2021, (S1): 113 -120 .  DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2021.Z1.013