草地学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (11): 2996-3008.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2022.11.016

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    


王玉祥, 汪鹏, 李姣, 李倩, 张博   

  1. 西部干旱荒漠区草地资源与生态教育部重点实验室, 新疆草地资源与生态重点实验室, 新疆农业大学草业学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-26 修回日期:2022-08-14 发布日期:2022-12-02
  • 通讯作者: 王玉祥,E-mail:wyx9868@163.com,张博,E-mail:xjauzb@sina.com
  • 作者简介:王玉祥(1980-),男,汉族,安徽亳州人,博士,副教授,主要从草种质资源育种与生产的研究,E-mail:wyx9868@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Comparing the Salt Tolerance of Six Species Trifolium L with Saline Water Irrigation

WANG Yu-xiang, WANG Peng, LI Jiao, LI Qian, ZHANG Bo   

  1. Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology of Western Arid Region, Ministry of Education;Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology of Xinjiang;College of Grassland Science, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052, China
  • Received:2022-05-26 Revised:2022-08-14 Published:2022-12-02

摘要: 试验以‘Redhybrid’,‘Salina’,‘86PK1280-007’,‘Ladino’,‘Orbit’”和‘08-2’等三叶草(Trifolium L.)为材料,设置三个不同EC(Electrical Conductivity)值处理(2.5,5.0,7.5dS·m–1),以营养液作为对照(EC=1.2dS·m-1),通过研究盐水浇灌对三叶草生长,光合效率和叶绿素荧光等指标的影响,以期为三叶草耐盐性评价、耐盐品种选育及其机理研究提供理论基础。结果表明,随着EC值的增加,三叶草的GI,PH,LA,FW,SPAD,PI,Fv/Fo,Pn,Tr和WUE均是先升后降的趋势,NB,DW,DR,Ci和Gs是逐渐降低的趋势。其中,GI,PH,LA,FW,SPAD,Pn和Tr的值均是在EC2.5时最高,PI,Fv/Fo和WUE的值则是在EC5.0时最高。主成分分析表明,DR,LA,SPAD,WUE和Ci可作为三叶草的耐盐性鉴定的关键指标。隶属函数值表明,六个材料的耐盐性顺序为:Ladino>08-2>86PK1280-007>Redhybrid>Orbit>Salina。

关键词: 三叶草, 盐水, EC值, 耐盐性

Abstract: The Trifolium of ‘Redhybrid’,‘Salina’,‘86pk1280-007’,‘Ladino’, ‘Orbit’ and ‘08-2’ was used as materials,three EC(Electrical Conductivity)value treatments (2.5,5.0,7.5 ds·m-1) were set,and nutrient solution as control (EC = 1.2 ds·m-1) were set up to study the effects of saline irrigation on growth,photosynthetic efficiency and Chlorophyll fluorescence of clover,which provided a theoretical basis for the evaluation of salt tolerance of clover,the breeding of salt-tolerant varieties and the study of its mechanism. The results showed that with the increase of EC value,the GI,PH,LA,FW,SPAD,PI,Fv/Fo,Pn,Tr,and WUE of clover all increase first and then decrease,the NB,DW,DR,Ci,and Gs were gradually decreasing. The value of GI,PH,LA,FW,SPAD,Pn,and Tr was the highest in EC 2.5 ds·m-1,and the values of PI,Fv/Fo,and WUE were maximum at EC 5.0 ds·m-1. Principal component analysis showed that the DR,LA,SPAD,WUE,and Ci could be used as the key indexes for the identification of salt tolerance of clover. The weighted membership function values showed that the order of salt resistance of 6 materials was Ladino,08-2,86PK1280-007,Redhybrid,Orbit,and Salina.

Key words: Trifolium L, Saline watering, EC values, Salinity tolerance
