›› 2001, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (4): 277-282.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2001.04.007

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Impacts Prediction of Climatic Change on Distribution and Production of Grassland in Inner Mongolia

NIU Jian-ming   

  1. Grassland Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hohhot 010010, China
  • Received:2001-04-26 Revised:2001-06-29 Online:2001-11-15 Published:2001-11-15



  1. 中国农业科学院草原研究所, 呼和浩特, 010010
  • 作者简介:牛建明,(1964- ),内蒙古赤峰市人.博士,副研究员,主要从事草地生态、草地资源与环境3S技术应用研究,发表论文21篇
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The response of grassland to two scenarios of climatic changes was studied and based on forest steppe,typical steppe and desert steppe in lnner Mongolia by means of life zone classification system.Results showed that grassland vegetation is likely to be impacted significantly by climatic change in Inner Mongolia. On the one hand, grassland areas decreased remarkably.The south boundary of grassland shifted northward with a great extent.Forest steppe disappeared from this region.On the other hand,grassland production decreased strongly too.Desert steppe showed the most lost of NPP among grassland types and scenarios.It is suggested that the response of grassland to climatic change reveal spatial shifting of grassland types in the east and south part of this region,while display a rapid decrease of production in the arid region located in the west part.In addition,this study also demonstrated that grassland was more sensitive to the elevation of temperature.

Key words: Grassland, Life zone, Production, Climatic change, Inner Mongolia

摘要: 本文在划分内蒙古草原生命地带的基础上,研究森林草原、典型草原和荒漠草原对两种气候变化方案的响应。结果表明,气候变化对内蒙古的草原植被可能产生重要的影响。一方面,草原面积显著减少,南部界限大幅度北移,森林草原退出本区。另一方面,草原生产力明显下降,荒漠草原的减产最为突出。气候变化的作用在本区的东部和南部表现为草原空间分布的迁移,在西部干旱地区则导致生产力的迅速下降。总之,草原对温度的升高以及人为干扰均更为敏感。

关键词: 草原, 生命地带, 生产力, 气候变化, 内蒙古

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