›› 1999, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1): 62-71.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1999.01.009

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The Dynamical Studies on Biomass, Quality and Interspecific Competition in Annual Forage Crop Swards

Ma Chunhui, Han Jianguo, Li Hongxiang, Mao Peisheng, Rong Yiping   

  1. Institute of Grassland Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094
  • Online:1999-02-15 Published:1999-02-15


马春晖, 韩建国, 李鸿祥, 毛培胜, 戎郁萍   

  1. 中国农业大学草地研究所, 北京, 100094
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The dynamical studies on biomass, quality and interspecific competition of oat (Avena sativa) and vetch(vicia sativa) in both m6noculture and mixture were conducted on the border of crop and range regions in North China. The resu1ts indicated that the yield of oat in monoculture was always higher than that of other treatments;xcept AV2 (oat 50% +vetch 50% ) treatment during fruiting and maturing stage; Crude protein(CP) yield in both oat mixed with vetch and vetch monoculture treatments were significant higher (P<0.05 ) than that of oat in monoculture from flowering stage (Ist, July )to mature period (6th,August). NDF and ADF contents in mixture and vetch treatments were lower than that of oat monoculture except shooting stage. The fruiting stage was the best time for harvesting because of the highest CP,DM yield and lower NDF and ADF contents. In general,the optimal treatments were oat 25% +vetch 75% and oat 50%+vetch 50%. DM yield was lower and nutrient content were often reduced due to leaf losses,although the CP yield of vetch in monoculture treatment was the highest. In all treatments, the accumulated rate of DM with A. sativa was quicker, and the plant was much higher, competition of oat in communities was superior to that of vetch.

Key words: Biomass, Quality, Competition, Mixture, Oat, Vetch

摘要: 研究单播和混播燕麦和箭豌豆草地生物量、品质及种间竞争动态。结果表明,生育期间除蜡熟期、成熟期外,单播燕麦产草量均高于其它处理。燕麦50%+箭筈豌豆50%混播处理在蜡熟期、成熟期产草量最高。从开花期开始,各处理单位面积粗蛋白质产量均显著(P<0.05)高于单播燕麦,而中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)含量均低于单播燕麦。燕麦蜡熟期和箭筈豌豆结荚期是饲草最佳刈割期。以燕麦25%+箭豌豆75%和燕麦50%+箭筈豌豆50%混播比例最好。混播后,燕麦子物质积累速率快,植株高,其竞争力超过箭筈豌豆,箭筈豌豆则处于竞争劣势地位。

关键词: 混播群落, 生物量, 品质, 竞争力, 燕麦, 箭筈豌豆