Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 1998, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3): 221-225.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1998.03.010

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Studies on the Biology of Euchorthippus cheui Hsia

Liu Changzhong1, Feng Guanghan1, Yang Yanbiao2, Ma Longxi2, Wu Dongguo3, Wang Junmei3   

  1. 1.Department of Plant Protection, Gansu Agricultutal University, Lanzhou 730070;
    2.Grassland Management Station of Xiahe County, Gansu Province, Xiahe 747100;
    3.Grassland Management Station of Gansu Province , Lanzhou 730046
  • Online:1998-08-15 Published:1998-08-15


刘长仲1, 冯光翰1, 杨延彪2, 马隆喜2, 吴栋国3, 王俊梅3   

  1. 1.甘肃农业大学植物保护系, 兰州730070;
    2.甘肃省夏河县草原站, 夏河, 747100;
    3.甘肃省草原总站, 兰州, 730046
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Based on the data from rearing observation and survey in Xiahe County, Gansu Province,Ganjia High Mountain Grassland, the life history and habits of Euchorthippus cheui Hsia were studied.The results showed that the pest had only one generation a year.The eggs live through the winter in thesoil, the hatching occurres on the first ten days of June, the adults begin in the first ten days of July, andthe oviposition begins in the first ten days of AngUst.The nymph stage possesses 5 instrs and their devel-opment undergoes about 69 days, and the longevity of the adult lasts for 60 days or so.The eaten capacityof the nymph stage is 458.69mg, and the adult stage is 1565.80mg.In addition, the egg capsule andnymphs of Euchorthippus cheui are described.

Key words: Euchorthippus cheui, Life history, Habit, Eaten capacity

摘要: 通过在甘肃省夏河县的野外系统调查和饲养观测表明,邱氏异爪蝗-年发生1代,以卵在全中越冬。翌年5月中旬开始孵化出土,6月上旬为孵化出土盛期。7月上旬始见成虫,8月上旬成虫开始产卵。蝗峭期共5龄,平均69.40天。成虫寿命平均60.42天。雌虫平均产卵48粒。取食量随龄期的增大而增大。蝗铺期平均取食鲜草458.69mg,成虫期平均1565.80mg。此外,对该虫卵囊及各龄蝗铺的形态鉴别特征进行了描述。

关键词: 邱氏异爪蝗, 生活史, 习性, 食量