›› 1997, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (2): 128-132.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1997.02.010

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Studies on the Salinity Tolerance in Seedling Stage Varietal Differences of Among Five Cultivaors of Truf Poa pratensis

Yu Zhuo, Sun Xiang, Dai Junfeng, Guo Wen   

  1. Department of Desert Control , Inner Mongolia Forestry College, Hohehot 010019
  • Online:1997-05-15 Published:1997-05-15


于卓, 孙祥, 戴君峰, 郭文   

  1. 内蒙古林学院沙漠治理系, 呼和浩特 010019

Abstract: The differences of salinity tolerance of 5 varieties of Poa pratensis in seedling stage were compared by methods of the hydroculturing seedlings and salt stress indoors.The results showed that the levels of salt concentration to the cell membrane of seedlings tolerated differently among cultivars (Daqingshan and Kentucky 0.8~1.2%;Jyusen, Fyliking and Park 1.2~1.6%);the increase of seedling cell membrane permibility and accumulation of proinc content caused by salt stress were negatively correlated with varietal salinty tolerance, while there was a positive corrclation between plant growth state and salinity tolerance.bong to synthetic evaluation of physiological indexes such as membrane permeability, plant damage rate, death rate and so on, the order of salinity tolerance of the 5 varieties of seedling stage is Park >Fyling=Jpen≥Kentucky >Daqingshan.

Key words: Turf grass, Variety of Poa pratensis, Physiological indes, Salinity tolerance difference

摘要: 本文采用室内盐胁迫水培幼苗的方法,对五个草地早熟禾品种的耐盐性差异进行比较研究。结果表明:大青山、肯特基二个品种幼苗细胞膜忍受盐浓度的极限范围在0.8~1.2%之间,自由神、菲尔金和帕克三个品种在1.2~1.6%之间。品种的耐盐性与膜透性的增加和脯氨酸的积累量呈负相关,与植株生长状况呈正相关。膜透性、植株受害率、死亡率等生理指标,综合评定五个草地早熟禾品种幼苗耐盐能力的程度为:帕克>菲尔金=自由神≥肯特基>大青山。

关键词: 草坪草, 草地早熟禾品种, 生理指标, 耐盐性差异