Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (2): 420-423.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2017.02.029

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Study on Introduction and Production of [Glycine wightii (Wight and Arn.) Verdcourt ‘Tinaroo’]

LONG Hui-ying, ZHANG De   

  1. Institute of Tropical Eco-agricultural Sciences, Yunnan Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Yuanmou, Yunnan Province 651300, China
  • Online:2017-04-15 Published:2017-06-25


龙会英, 张德   

  1. 云南省农业科学院热区生态农业研究所, 云南 元谋 651300
  • 通讯作者: 张德,
  • 作者简介:龙会英(1965-),女,壮族,云南蒙自人,研究员,主要从事热区农业资源与利用研究,
  • 基金资助:



In order to develop and utilize of Glycine wightii (Wight and Arn.) Verdcourt ‘Tinaroo’), G. Wightii had been introduced and tested by using pratacultural science research methods in Yunnan Institute of Tropical Eco-agriculture Science since 2003. The results showed that:The dry yield was 4475~10010 kg·hm-2. In pregnancy stage, crude protein content was 14.2%~18%, crude fat was 2.4%~5.3%, crude fiber was 25.1%, crude ash was 9.5%, and nitrogen free extract was 39.4%. With traits of heat resistence, drought tolerance and barren resistance, G. Wightii could be adapted to cultivate in tropical and subtropical areas with rainfall 600~1500 mm.

Key words: G. wightii (Wight and Arn.) Verdcourt‘Tinaroo’, Introduction, Production test


为了开发利用优良牧草提那罗爪哇大豆[Glycine wightii(Wight and Arn.) Verdcourt ‘Tinaroo’],云南省农业科学院热区生态农业研究所自2003年来,采用草业科学研究方法开展引种及生产试验,结果表明:提那罗爪哇大豆的草产量为4475~10010 kg·hm-2,孕蕾期干物质粗蛋白含量14.2%~18%,粗脂肪含量2.4%~5.3%,粗纤维25.1%,粗灰分9.5%,无氮浸出物39.4%,千粒重6.5~7.7 g。该种牧草具有耐热、耐旱、耐瘠薄的特点,适于在年降雨量600~1500 mm的热带亚热带地区种植。

关键词: 提那罗爪哇大豆, 引种, 生产试验

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