Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 652-658.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2018.03.018

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Effects of Root Pruning Radius and Time on the Biomass and Morphological Characteristics of Jerusalem artichoke

WANG Lin, GAO Kai, GAO Yang, ZHAO Li-xing, LI Tian-qi   

  1. Engineering Research Center of Forage Crops of Inner Mongolia Autonomous, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia 028043, China
  • Received:2018-03-05 Revised:2018-06-08 Online:2018-06-15 Published:2018-08-24


王琳, 高凯, 高阳, 赵力兴, 李天琦   

  1. 内蒙古民族大学自治区饲用作物工程中心, 内蒙古 通辽 028043
  • 通讯作者: 高凯
  • 作者简介:王琳(1994-),女,内蒙古通辽人,硕士研究生,主要从事草地资源与利用研究,
  • 基金资助:



Under the condition of extremely sparse planting in the field, we studied the effects of different root pruning radius and pruning time of Jerusalem artichoke's root biomass and morphological characteristics. The effects of different root pruningon the biomass material distribution of Jerusalem artichoke were revealed, which provided theoretical reference for high-yield cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke in Horqin sandy land. The results show that:compared with no pruning roots, different root pruning radius and time significantly increased the biomass of the root system. Compared with different root pruning radius,when 1/5 roots were removed, the rootbiomass was higher than other treatments, and T3 was the highest, reaching 723.57 g. The effect of different root pruning radius and time had little effect on the biomass of rhizome and fibrous root, and the biomass of main roots was not significant affected. The length and diameter of the main root were not significantly affected by the radius and time of each treatment, from different root pruning time; removing 1/3 root system significantly promoted the thickening growth of fibrous roots and rhizomes. The maximum appeared in T3, the fibrous root was 5.59 mm and rhizome was 3.88 mm. Removing 1/4 of the root system could increase the number of fibrous roots and rhizomes. It was found that fibrous roots and rhizomes biomass were greatly increased by changing the substance distribution rule of Jerusalem artichoke. In the late vegetative growth, moderate and mild root pruning was beneficial to increase the root biomass, increase the number of fibrous roots and rhizomes, and enhance root absorption ability, and then increase the yield of Jerusalem artichoke.

Key words: Jerusalem artichoke, Root system, Pruning radius, Pruning time


在大田极度稀植条件下,研究了不同断根半径及断根时间对红皮菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus ‘red skin’)根系生物量及形态学特征的作用,揭示断根对菊芋物质分配规律的影响,为科尔沁沙地菊芋高产栽培提供理论参考。结果表明:与未断根相比,不同断根半径及时间都显著增加了根系生物量,不同断根半径比较,去掉1/5根系时根系生物量高于其他处理,其中T3最高,达到723.57 g,不同断根半径及时间对根茎和须根的生物量影响较小,差异未达到显著水平,对主根生物量影响也不显著;各断根半径及断根时间对主根长度和直径也没有显著影响;不同断根时间去掉1/3根系显著促进了须根和根茎增粗生长,最大值在T3出现,须根为5.59 mm,根茎为3.88 mm;去掉1/4根系则能促进须根和根茎数量增多。断根改变了菊的物质分配规律,显著增加了须根和根茎生物量,在营养生长晚期,中、轻度断根有利于提高根系生物量、增加须根、根茎的直径和数量,增强根系吸收能力,进而达到提高菊芋产量的目的。

关键词: 菊芋, 根系, 断根半径, 断根时间

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