›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (1): 1-4.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2010.01.001

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The Unignorable and Important Role of Grassland in Response to Global Climate Change

LIU Jia-wen   

  1. Grassland Monitoring and Supervision Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100125, China
  • Received:2009-12-03 Revised:2010-01-12 Online:2010-02-15 Published:2010-02-15



  1. 农业部草原监理中心, 北京, 100125
  • 作者简介:刘加文(1964- ),男,湖北武汉人,农业部草原监理中心副主任,E-mail:myday@263.net

Abstract: The values of both forest and grassland should be recognized in response to the global climate change,and grassland plants can improve and complement the carbon fixation capacity of forest.Grassland is not only an ecological-type but also an economical-and social-type carbon pool and plays an important role in the global climate change.First,grassland is the largest area of green resources,so its carbon fixation capacity would never be ignored.The costs of grassland carbon fixation are cheaper and the carbon formations are more stable.Not just to assimilate the carbon dioxide,grassland also functions effectively as a carbon sink.Grassland covers the earth as the temperature adjustor and the development of grassland agriculture is favorable to decrease carbon discharge in agricultural industry.Therefore,we should strengthen the protection and construction of grasslands and improve the replying capability to the global change,build up the theory of Great Carbon Pool and pay attention to both grassland and forest,increase the investment and political forces to enhance carbon pool capacity gradually,intensify the legal management of grassland and maintain its stability,make use of the favorable international environment to develop grassland carbon pool,emphasize the research on grassland carbon fixation and improve the scientific supporting capacity,and change Arbor Day to Greening Day to promote grass planting from all citizens.

Key words: Grassland, Global climate change

摘要: 应对气候变化既要重视森林也要重视草原,草原植物对森林固碳起着促进和互补作用;草原不仅是生态型碳库,更是经济型、社会型碳库。应对气候变化,草原能够发挥特别重要的作用,其固碳能力决不容小视,碳成本相对低廉,固碳形式比较稳定,且能有效地发挥碳汇作用。草原是地球的温度调节器,发展草地农业,有利于减少农业生产中的碳排放。因此,我们应加强草原保护建设,提高应对气候变化水平;树立"大碳库"理念,重视森林也重视草原;加大政策和投入力度,不断增强碳库能力;强化草原依法管理,维护草原碳库稳定;积极利用有利的国际环境,大力发展草原碳汇;重视草原固碳研究,提高科技支撑水平;将"植树节"改为"绿化节",推动全民种草植绿。

关键词: 草原, 全球气候变化

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