›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (5): 680-685.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2009.05.023

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Status of Germplasm Classifications for Genus Medicago

LU Xin-shi   

  1. Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2009-08-05 Revised:2009-08-25 Online:2009-10-15 Published:2009-10-15



  1. 北京林业大学, 北京市教育委员会共建实验室, 北京, 100083
  • 作者简介:卢欣石(1947- ),男,河南博爱县人,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国牧草遗传资源委员会副理事长,主要从事草地遗传资源、牧草遗传育种及草地生态学研究,E-mail:luxinshi304@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This paper reviews the different results and varying courses of taxonomic study on genus Medicago L.during the past century and places emphasis on the classification difference of taxonomic system between China and the western countries.By the Chinese system,Medicago,Trigonella L.,Melissitus Medik.,and Turucania were separated as the difference genus,however all of them were classified to Medicago by the western system and the concept of M.sativa L.complex was established including ssp.sativa,ssp.falcata,and ssp.varia.In order to fully exert the advantage of Medicago germplasm resources in China and realize the genetic improvement function of excellent gene,it is suggested to recheck and study the current gene bank status of genetic resources and taxonomic system at molecular level.

Key words: Medicago L., Plant taxon and classification

摘要: 回顾了近百年世界苜蓿属(Medicago L.)植物分类的不同结果和演变历程,重点讨论了中国和西方学者对苜蓿属植物分类系统的主要分歧。依据中国学者的分类系统,苜蓿(Medicago sativa Linn)、胡卢巴(Cermmon Fe-nupreek)、扁蓿豆(Huthenian medica)、黑荚豆(Medicago varia Martyn)等植物种被分别归属于苜蓿属、胡卢巴属(Trigonella L.)、扁蓿豆属(Melissitus Medik.)和黑荚豆属(Turucania),按照西方学者的分类系统,均被列入苜蓿属,并提出紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)复合体的概念,将紫花苜蓿、黄花苜蓿(Medicago falcata)、杂花苜蓿(Medi-cago Httyenica(Lnn.)Trautv)同归为紫花苜蓿亚种。文章建议为了充分挖掘中国苜蓿种质资源的优势,发挥优异基因的改良作用,有必要对中国目前的遗传资源基因库的现状和分类系统在分子水平上进行复核和探讨。

关键词: 苜蓿属, 植物分类

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