Effects of Companion Grass Species on the Early Decomposition of Salix cupularis Leaf Litter in a Desertified Alpine Meadow of the Zoige Plateau
LI Pei, ZHOU Chun-mei, CHEN Dong-ming, LI Qi, DENG Dong-zhou, HUANG Qian, HU Xing-peng, DENG Zhu-xin, ZHOU Ji-qiong, SUN Fei-da, BAI Yan-fu, HAN Jin-feng, SUN Geng, YAN Wu-xian, LIU Lin
Acta Agrestia Sinica . 2022, (12): 3334 -3344 .  DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2022.12.020