›› 1999, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4): 271-276.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1999.04.003

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Effects of Cutting Times and Drying Methods on Hay Yield and Quality of Sweetclover

LiHongxiang1, Han Jianguo1, Wu Baocheng2, Ma Chunhui1, Mao Peisheng1, Rong Yuping1   

  1. 1. Grassland Institute, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094;
    2. Chengde Animal Husbandry and Aquatic Products Bureau, Chengde 067000
  • Online:1999-11-15 Published:1999-11-15


李鸿祥1, 韩建国1, 武宝成2, 马春晖1, 毛培胜1, 戎郁萍1   

  1. 1. 中国农业大学草地研究所, 北京 100094;
    2. 承德市畜牧水产局, 承德 067000
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Studies were conducted at Yuershan Farm,Chengde Distribt of Hebei province on sweetclover pasture to determine the optimal cutting time and drying method.The first cutting at early bloomcan be obtained higher yield (10285.5kg/ha)and the highest crude protein yield (1859.42kg/ha)of two total cuttings.The highest nutritive values of sweetclover is during the period from prebloom to early bloom.Spraying of K2CO3,pressed stems and branches and spraying K2CO3 after pressed stems and branches couldaccelerate the drying rate,decrease the losts of nutrition in four treatments for drying.The spraying K2CO3,could fasten the drying speed and it is simply to be done,so it should be recommended to use in sweetcloverhay production.

Key words: Sweetclover, Cutting time, Drying methods, Yield, Hay quality

摘要: 研究刈割时期和调制方法对二年生草木樨干草产量和质量的影响。结果表明,初花期头茬刈割可获得较高的鲜干草产量及最高粗蛋白质总产量。现蕾至初花期刈割,刈草的营养成分含量最高。在直接晾晒、喷碳酸钾(2.5%)晾晒、压扁茎杆晾晒和压扁茎杆后喷碳酸钾(2.5%)四种调制方法中,后三种方法都能加速干燥,减少营养物质损失,其中以喷碳酸钾(2.5%)的晾晒方法快速简便,值得推荐。

关键词: 草木樨收获期, 调制方法, 产草量, 干草质量