›› 2004, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 183-188.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2004.03.004

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Morphological Variations of Eremochloa Ophiuroides and its Morphological Types

LIU Jian-xiu, ZHU Xue-hua, GUO Ai-gui, GUO Hai-lin   

  1. Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, JiangsuProvince, 210014, China
  • Received:2003-08-14 Revised:2003-11-13 Online:2004-08-15 Published:2004-08-15


刘建秀, 朱雪花, 郭爱桂, 郭海林   

  1. 内蒙古农业大学农学院, 内蒙古, 呼和浩特, 010019
  • 作者简介:刘建秀(1964- ),博士,研究员,主要从事暖地型草坪草种质资源评价与改良
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Eleven importand economic characters of China’s 59 accessions of Eremochloa ophiuroides have been statistically analyzed and their morphological types′ clustering examined.The result shows:(1)The widest variation is found in the inflorescence density that has a coefficient variation (CV) of 76.9%,followed by the variations of leaf length,seed setting rate,turfgrass height,and length of the reproductive branch,with each CV amounting to 31.3%,23.0%,18.0%,and 22.1% respectively.The variation extent of seed setting rate is within 25.0%~74.8%,that of the reproductive branch height is between 14.3~33.2 cm,and of turfgrass height,5.8~17.0 cm.The variation extent of per 100 seeds’ weight is 15.1%,of leaf length,14.6%,of inflorescence length,12.5%, of spikelet number per inflorescence,12.5%,and of internode length,11.4%--all are relatively limited.However,the coefficient variation of internode diameter is the least,a mere 4.7%.(2)In areas of higher latitudes,the Eremochloa ophiuroides reproductive branches tend to grow much longer and its inflorescences much denser,while the other economic characters remain unchanged.(3)The accessions with thicker internodes always have wider leaf blades and the accessions with higher turfgrass also have higher reproductive branches,thicker internodes,longer and denser inflorescences and higher seed setting rate.(4)Two morphological types are clustered based on 11 economic characters:one is the vegetative propagation type with depthless inflorescence density and low seed setting rate,but longer leaf blades.Another is the seed propagation type with dense inflorescence and high seed setting rate,but short leaf blades.

Key words: Grassland sciencel, Eremochloa ophiuroides, Genetic resource, Economic character, Variation, Morphological type

摘要: 对中国59份假俭草的11个重要经济性状进行统计分析,并对其形态类型加以聚类分析。结果表明:1花序密度变异系数高达76.9%,是所测性状中变异范围最大者,叶长次之,变异系数为31.3%,结实率、草层高度以及生殖枝高度变异系数分别为23.0%、18.0%及22.1%,变异范围为25.0%~74.8%、14.3~33.2cm及5.8~17.0cm;百粒重、叶宽、花序长、花序小花数以及节间长度变异幅度相对较小,分别为15.1%、14.6%、12.5%、12.5%及11.4%,其中以节间直径最小,仅为4.7%;2生殖枝高度和花序密度随着纬度的增加,呈显著增高和极显著增加趋势,而其它性状未出现显著变异规律;3节间直径与叶宽呈极显著正相关;草层越高,生殖枝愈高,节间愈长愈粗,而生殖枝愈高,花序愈长,节间愈长,花序密度也愈大,结实率愈高;4在欧氏距离11.2处,可将供试草种分为营养繁殖型和种子繁殖型两大类型,前者花序密度低,结实率低,叶片较长,而后者花序密度高,结实率较高,叶片则较短。

关键词: 草原学, 假俭草, 种质资源, 经济性状, 变异, 形态类型

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