›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 267-269.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2009.03.001

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Coordinated Development of Grass Industry,Animal Husbandry Industry and Dairy Industry:the Inevitably Choice for Building the Modern Dairy Industry

LIU Cheng-guo   

  1. Dairy Association of China, Beijing 100009, China
  • Received:2009-04-17 Revised:2009-04-27 Online:2009-06-15 Published:2009-06-15



  1. 中国奶业协会, 中国, 北京, 100009
  • 作者简介:刘成果(1941- ),男,黑龙江郭尔罗斯后旗(今肇源)人,农业部原常务副部长,全国政协委员,中国奶业协会理事长

Abstract: Although the current situation is grim,under the great hit of Sanlu affair,chinese dairy industry doesn’t fall into the difficult position which is unable to extricate itself.On the contrary,the predicament brings new opportunity for its development.Forage based animal husbandry industry has not been completely promoted in the rural area of China in comparison with other developed countries.But the opportunity brought along the current situation would make it possible.Meanwhile,we must step out of the misunderstanding of lands struggle between grass and grain,develop and implement the preferential policies,strengthen the scientific and technological support,and discuss the sustainable operation mode.Therefore,the coordinated development of grass industry,animal husbandry industry,and dairy industry is the inevitably choice for building the modern dairy industry.

Key words: Chinese dairy industry, Grass growing and cattle rising in rural areas, Grass based animal husbandry industry, Coordinated development

摘要: 虽然当前奶业形势较为严峻,三鹿事件使中国奶业遭到重创,但决不能说中国奶业陷入无法自拔的困境,反而出现了新的契机。相对于世界畜牧业发达国家,我国在农区进行种草养牛尚未完全推广,而当前形势使其具有现实可能性,且势在必行。同时,我们要走出"草粮争地"的认识误区,制定并落实优惠政策,加强科技支撑,探讨可持续的运作模式。因此,草畜乳业的协调发展是建设现代奶业的必然选择。

关键词: 中国奶业, 农区种草养牛, 草畜牧业, 协调发展

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