Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 1619-1628.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2024.05.032

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Construction and Application of Evaluation System for Wild Herbaceous Flower Resources in Hengyang City,South-central China

XU Ling-yun, YANG Man-yuan, YANG Ning   

  1. College of Landscape Architecture, Hunan Environmental-Biological Polytechnic College, Hengyang, Hunan Province 421005, China
  • Received:2023-09-30 Revised:2023-12-19 Published:2024-06-01


许凌云, 杨满元, 杨宁   

  1. 湖南环境生物职业技术学院园林学院, 湖南 衡阳 421005
  • 通讯作者: 杨宁,
  • 作者简介:许凌云(1982-),女,汉族,湖南衡阳人,讲师,主要从事生态旅游的教学与研究工作,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In order to fully understand and utilize the 60 wild herbaceous flower species in Hengyang City,South-central China,a systemic analysis and evaluation of the resources was conducted. The combination of field investigation and verification methods and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model with qualitative and quantitative analysis were used. The results showed that the comprehensive evaluation model was consisted of one target hierarchy,3 constraint hierarchies [The weight values of constraint hierarchies were followed as exploitation potential (0.660 7)>ornamental value (0.207 9)>biological property (0.131 4)],11 standard hierarchies [the composite indicators hierarchy with higher weights were stress resistance (0.396 8),the number of resources (0.140 3),utilized degree (0.123 6) and flower features (0.081 9)];The 60 wild herbaceous flower species belonged to 34 families and 53 genera,most of which were compositae (8 species) and poaceae (5 species);In the 60 wild herbaceous flower species,24 species with composite value (A)≥3.800 0 could be large-scale used,and 14 species with 3.500 0≤composite value (A)<3.800 0 and 22 species with composite value (A)<3.500 0 could be rationally and selectively used,respectively. All the results showed that the evaluation results using AHP model could provide a scientific foundation for exploiting and utilizing the wild herbaceous flower resources in Hengyang City and other areas with similar conditions.

Key words: Wild herbaceous flower, Evaluation system, Analytic hierarchy process(AHP), Hengyang City,South-central China

摘要: 为深入了解和更好地开发利用衡阳市野生草本花卉资源,采用野外调查和查证相结合的方法,运用层次分析法(Analytic hierarchy process,AHP)建立定性与定量相结合的综合评价模型,对湖南省衡阳市60种野生草本花卉资源的开发利用价值进行综合评价。结果表明:该综合评价模型有1个目标层,3个约束层[约束层权重值大小为:开发利用潜力(0.660 7)>观赏价值(0.207 9)>生物学特性(0.131 4)],11个标准层[其中综合指标权重值较高的分别是:抗逆性(0.396 8)、资源数量(0.140 3)、利用程度(0.123 6)和观花特征(0.081 9)等];60种野生花卉资源隶属于34个科53个属,以菊科(8种)、禾本科(5种)等居多;60种野生草本花卉资源中,综合得分(A)≥3.800 0分有24种,可大规模开发利用,3.500 0≤综合得分(A)<3.800 0分有14种,可适度开发利用,综合得分(A)<3.500 0分有22种,可选择性开发利用。AHP模型评价结果将为今后衡阳市及相似条件的地区开发利用野生草本花卉资源提供理论依据。

关键词: 野生草本花卉, 评价体系, 层次分析法, 衡阳市

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