Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 524-534.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2025.02.022

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Evaluation of Salt Tolerance of 19 Germplasm of Bromus inermis at Germination Stage

YUAN Jia-miao, LI Chen-Jian, ZENG Yi, WANG Yu-xiang, ZHANG Bo   

  1. Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology of Western Arid Region Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology of Xinjiang, College of Grassland Science Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052, China
  • Received:2024-07-01 Revised:2024-08-30 Published:2025-03-01


袁嘉苗, 李陈建, 曾怡, 王玉祥, 张博   

  1. 西部干旱荒漠区草地资源与生态教育部重点实验室, 新疆草地资源与生态重点实验室, 新疆农业大学草业学院, 乌鲁木齐 830052
  • 通讯作者: 王玉祥,
  • 作者简介:袁嘉苗(1996-),女,汉族,湖南常德人,硕士研究生,主要从事草种质资源育种与生产研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: To screen the germplasm resources of Bromus inermis suitable for planting in salinized areas of Xinjiang, 19 germplasms of Bromus inermis were used as material in this study. Using single salt (NaCl solution), compound salt (NaCl+Na2SO4+NaHCO3 solution) and saline-alkali soil extract, and adopting the petri dish culture method, three conductivity concentration gradients were set up to study the effects of different salt stresses on seed germination rate, germination potential, root length and bud length. A comprehensive evaluation of each index was carried out through membership function analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that under different salt stresses, the germination potential, germination index, root length, bud length and vigor index of 19 Bromus inermis materials were negatively correlated with the electrical conductivity (EC) of salt solution. The orders of the influences of different salt solutions on the germination of Bromus inermis seeds were: compound salt>single salt>saline-alkali soil extract. According to systematic cluster analysis, 19 Bromus inermis were divided into five types, namely, three highly tolerant types: B5, B2, B17; four salt-tolerant types: B8, B12, B3, B10; eight moderately tolerant types: B16, B9, B18, B19, B1, B4, B11, B15; three salt-sensitive types: B13, B14, B7; and one highly sensitive type: B6. This study provided potential salt-tolerant resources for dealing with the ecological challenges in salinized areas of Xinjiang.

Key words: Bromus inermis, Seed germination, Salt stress, Salt tolerance evaluation

摘要: 为筛选适宜于新疆盐渍化地区种植的无芒雀麦种质资源,本研究以19份无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)种质为材料,利用单盐(NaCl溶液)、复盐(NaCl+Na2SO4+NaHCO3溶液)和盐碱土浸提液,采用培养皿培养法,设置3个电导率浓度梯度,研究不同盐胁迫对种子发芽率、发芽势、根长和芽长的影响,并通过隶属函数分析和聚类分析对各项指标进行综合评价。结果表明,在不同盐胁迫下,19份无芒雀麦材料的发芽势、发芽指数、根长、芽长以及活力指数与盐溶液的电导率(Electrical conductivity,EC)呈负相关。不同类型盐溶液对无芒雀麦种子萌发的影响大小为:复盐>单盐>盐碱土浸提液。根据系统聚类分析将19份无芒雀麦划分为5个类型,分别为高耐型3份:B5,B2,B17;耐盐型4份:B8,B12,B3,B10;中耐型8份:B16,B9,B18,B19,B1,B4,B11,B15;敏盐型3份:B13,B14,B7;高敏型1份:B6。本研究为应对新疆盐渍化地区的生态挑战提供了潜在的耐盐资源。

关键词: 无芒雀麦, 种子萌发, 盐胁迫, 耐盐性评价

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