›› 1996, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 19-25.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1996.01.004

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Fire and Temperature Effects on Seed Germination from Burned Plots and Unburned Plots in Sheepgrass Steppe

Zhou Daowei, Lu Jingmei, Zhu Ling   

  1. National Lab. of Grassland Ecological Engineering, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024
  • Online:1996-02-15 Published:2012-07-11


周道玮, 陆静梅, 祝玲   

  1. 东北师范大学国家草地生态工程实验室, 长春130024

Abstract: After spring burning of sheepgrass steppe(Aneurolepidium chinense),the thousand seed weight of Stipa grandis, Serratura centauroides, Astragalus adsugens,Medicago ruthenia and Chenopodium glauca increased 2.7, 3.2, 8.2, 10.4 and 33.8% respectively in autumn havest.The seed germination rate from burned plots also increased 3.3, 39.6, 116.7, 133.3 and 275.0% for S.grandis, S.centauroides M.ruthenia,A.adsurgens, C.glauca respectively VS unburned plots.Heat treatment for 50℃ and four minites have most effects on seed germination from unburned plots.The response of seed germination from burned plots to dry heat treatement are obtuse.

Key words: Burning, Temperature, Seed germination rate, Grassland

摘要: 羊草草原火烧后,大针茅等五种植物当年生种子的千粒重平均增加11.7%,发芽率平均增加113.6%。实验室温度处理对种子的发芽有刺激作用,对采自未烧地种子的刺激作用更明显。随着处理温度的升高,种子的发芽率亦随之升高,以50℃、4分钟处理的发芽率最高,但随着处理温度的再升高,发芽率逐步降低。不同草种的种子对温度处理反应的敏感程度各异,灰绿藜受干热刺激最敏感,斜茎黄蓍等硬实种子对干热温度的刺激则反应迟钝。

关键词: 火烧, 干热作用, 种子发芽率, 草原