›› 1996, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 69-78.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1996.01.011

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System Diagnosis on Grassland Animal Husbandry Production in Wulagai Ranch

Yang Jinbo1, Liu Defu2, Serlerdgarbu3   

  1. 1. Institute of Grassland Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094;
    2. Dep. of Grassland Science, Inner Mongolia Institute of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry, Huhehot 010018;
    3. CXilingerler Wulagai Ranch, Xilingerler 026300
  • Online:1996-02-15 Published:2012-07-11


杨金波1, 刘德福2, 色勒扎布3   

  1. 1. 中国农业大学草地研究所, 北京100094;
    2. 内蒙古农牧学院草原系, 呼和浩特010018;
    3. 内蒙古锡林郭勒盟乌拉盖牧场, 锡林郭勒026300

Abstract: In this report, theory and method of system engineering were used to analyse the natural enviornmental and social economical conditions at Wulagai Ranch.An attempt was made to find out strong and weak aspects in natural resources, effects and acting mede of various social economical factors (and their combinations) on the production system in Wulagai Ranch.An analysis on the structure and functions of the social economy at the Ranch was made and causes of the unsuitable structure and low function of the system were suggested.By a diagnostic medel, 19 sause factors responsible for limiting animal production were found out.The results showed that the most determinant limiting factors included lack of expertise, inefficient backward production system and an unsuitable animal production policy.It was suggested that raising livestock output rate was a practical.resolution for this problem and increasing financial input to this area was the initial step which should be taken.

Key words: Grassland animal husbandry production, System diagnosis, Wulagai Ranch

摘要: 本文运用系统工程的理论和方法,对国营乌拉盖牧场的自然环境和社会环境条件进行辩识与分析,找出资源的优势与劣势,以及各种社会经济条件及其组合的影响程度和作用方式。运用诊断模型对畜牧业生产现状进行系统诊断,找出19个病因,从中发现制约该场草原畜牧业生产的终极原因、解决办法和起动因子。通过会诊和检测,运用数学的方法再现科学技术与政策对一个地区或企业的极端重要性,揭示了资本的输入对贫困落后的地区或企业所能起到的重要作用和影响程度。

关键词: 草原畜牧业, 系统诊断, 乌拉盖牧场