›› 1996, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3): 173-179.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1996.03.002

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A Study on Intermonth Dynamics of Grazing Intake at the Ewes of Lioaning Cashmere Goat

Bian Dongxian1, Meng Chaoyi1, San Hongran1, Jin Heliang2, Li Huanchun2, Wei Hecheng2   

  1. 1. Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, BAAFS, Bejing 100081;
    2. Pu-wa goat ranch, Fang-shan county, Bejing 102411
  • Online:1996-08-15 Published:2012-07-11


卞东娴1, 孟昭仪1, 孙洪仁1, 晋合亮2, 李焕春2, 隗合成2   

  1. 1. 北京市农林科学院畜牧兽医研究所, 北京100081;
    2. 房山区蒲洼乡冰冷湖绒山羊种羊场, 北京房山区102411

Abstract: The ewes of Liaoning cashmere goats were introduced into Pu-wa goat Ranch, Fang-Shan county, Beijing, during a period of 24 months in 1990 1992 for the study of intake.based on grazing days.The results showed that: intake of 4.32 ±0.84kg of fresh matter per day per an ewe body weight of 32.2 kg duting growth season, and 2.91 ± 0.69kg of dead matter per day per an ewe body weight of 36.5kg during nongrowth season.The variation of intake were sig nificant between months, and a relative stability during other months.

Key words: Liaoning cashmere goat, Grazing intake, Intermonth dynanics

摘要: 1990~1992年对北京市房山区蒲洼乡绒山羊种羊场引入的辽宁绒山羊成母羊进行三个年度24个月份的放牧日采食量测定,研究其月际间动态规律。结果表明;在牧草生长季节,平均32.2公斤体重的成母羊,鲜草日均采食量为4.32±0.84公斤,以五月份的来食量最高。在枯草期平均体重36.5公斤的成母羊,枯草日均采食量为291±0.69公斤。干物质年均采食量为1.79±0.41公斤,为其体重的5.26%。鲜、枯草采食量月际间变化明显。干物质采食量以11月份最高,其余各月份变动幅度不大,并保持相对稳定的数量。

关键词: 辽宁绒山羊, 放牧采食量, 月际动态