›› 2000, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (2): 88-96.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2000.02.003

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Studies on The Plant Diversity in Hongsongwa Natural Reserve

Li Lianfang1, Wang Pei2, Wang Jinglong 3   

  1. 1. College of Biology, CAU, Beijing 100094;
    2. Institute of Grassland Science, CAU, Beijing 100094;
    3. Hongsongwa Natural Reserve, Hebei 068457
  • Received:1999-11-18 Revised:2000-01-20 Online:2000-05-15 Published:2000-05-15


李连方1, 王培2, 王警龙3   

  1. 1. 中国农业大学生物学院, 北京, 100094;
    2. 中国农业大学草地所, 北京, 100094;
    3. 河北省红松洼自然保护区管理处, 河北, 068457

Abstract: The changing variation of plant diversity all around mountain meadow were studied in different management categories in Hongsongwa Natural Reserve of China,Hebei,through using cluster analysis and α and β diversity index statistically based on various data of 15 plots.The results showed that:15 plots were clustered into five sections.The transitional sites from the core to the buffer area inclusive of the low region in the core area were divided into two sections individually.In α diversity,the results based on individuals and importance value are all the same.Value of the lowest richness,evenness and diversity as well as the highest dominance are located in the centre of the core area and the buffer area.In the transitional site among different areas,value of richness,evenness and diversity are ranged as the highest,and of dominance as the lowest.β diversity indices are fluctuated in wavy variations among plots,indicating that the habitat of the observed region was fragmented more or less by human activities.The rate of substitution among local plant species was emerged towards the fastest in the transitional sites between the core area and the buffer area,and lowest record was appeared in the center sites of the buffer area,variations of plant diversity indices were also prevailed like wavy motion with the changes of environmental factors,such as soil water content,topographical altitude,slope aspect and so on,showing that the plant diversity was somewhat influenced intensely by various ways and means of meadow management.

Key words: Mountainous meadow, α and β diversity, Environmental factors, Meadow management

摘要: 应用α和β多样性指数及聚类分析,探讨河北省围场县红松洼自然保护区在不同管理条件下的变化规律。结果表明,聚类分析将15个样地划分为5个组。在α多样性方面,以个体数为基础和以重要值为基础的多样性测度结果一致,最小多样性、最小均匀度、最小丰富度和最大生态优势度出现于核心区和缓冲区的中央。α多样性、均匀度和丰富度的最大值,以及生态优势度最小值出现在3个区的过渡地带。该地区α多样性最重要的影响因素是草地管理方式。在β多样性方面,该地区不存在位置上的环境梯度,生境破碎化程度较大。物种替代速率最快的是缓冲区与核心区的过渡地带,最慢的是在缓冲区的中央。

关键词: 山地草甸, α和β多样性, 环境因子, 草甸管理

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