›› 2001, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (4): 243-247.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2001.04.001

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Glume Microstructure of Zoysia japonica Seeds(Caryopsis)Before and After Breaking Dormancy

DONG Hou-de1, GONG Li-jun2   

  1. 1. Liaoning University, Shenyang, 110036, China;
    2. Liaoning College of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Shenyang, 110032, China
  • Received:2001-03-08 Revised:2001-06-21 Online:2001-11-15 Published:2001-11-15


董厚德1, 宫莉君2   

  1. 1. 辽宁大学, 沈阳, 110036;
    2. 辽宁中医学院, 沈阳, 110032
  • 作者简介:董厚德(1935- ),男,辽宁省丹东市人,教授,博士生导师,现任辽宁大学生态环境研究所所长,从事植物生态学教学与科研40余年,出版专著9部,发表学术论文40余篇,曾获省级科技进步奖5项,1991年获国务院特殊津贴

Abstract: Glume microstructure of dormant Zoysia japonica seeds(caryopsis)has been investigated using scanning electron microscope.It was found that glume of Zoysia seed is tough and covered with greasy substance and some pores(here we name them as glume pores)located neatly on parallel ridges(glume ridges)are capped with canopy(glume pore cap).The capped pores can be opened by chemically removing grease and canopy,which then can expose fine fiber net structure.This results in breaking seed dormancy,allowing water and oxygen to penetrate and makes embryo to grow fast.The germination rate following such a chemical treatment has reached to an optimum.The microstructures and morphology as well as germination rate is found quiet similar between the seeds chemically treated and digested by cows.

Key words: Zoysia japonica seed, Breaking dormancy, Microstructure of glume, Scanning electronic microscope

摘要: 对解除休眠前的结缕草种子通过扫描电镜观察,发现颖结构致密,其上覆盖一层脂类物质。在平行的颖脊上有整齐排列的颖孔,这些颖孔均被Si质的颖孔盖所覆盖。经过处理,解除休眠后,脂类物质及颖孔盖脱落,颖孔被打开,构成颖的纤维网络清晰可见,种子内外的水、气交换可顺利进行,减少胚生长的阻力,发芽率达到潜在生活力水平。经过牛胃消化排出的结缕草种子,颖结构的形态变化及发芽率与人工处理的结果基本相同。

关键词: 结缕草种子, 解除休眠, 颖, 显微结构, 扫描电镜

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