›› 2001, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (4): 302-306.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2001.04.012

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Analysis of Characteristics for Six Alfalfa Cultivars

YAN Xu-dong, ZHU Zhi-ming, LI Gui-rong, ZHAI Yu-zhu, KONG De-ping, XU Yu-peng   

  1. Cangzhou Academy of Agricultural & Forestry Sciences, Hebei, 061001, China
  • Received:2001-05-18 Revised:2001-09-06 Online:2001-11-15 Published:2001-11-15


阎旭东, 朱志明, 李桂荣, 翟玉柱, 孔德平, 徐玉鹏   

  1. 河北省沧州市农林科学院, 沧州, 061001
  • 作者简介:阎旭东(1964- ),男,河北孟村县人,硕士,副研究员,从事牧草专业多年,先后获河北省科技进步一等奖等六项,出版著作2部,发表学术论文20余篇
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Under the natural condition, six alfalfa varieties of Gannong No.1, Hetian, Cangzhou, Anstar, Kitawakaba and Tachiwakaba from domestic and aboard were identified on analysis of characteristics and adaptability through 4 years (1997~2000) in low plain area of seashore of Hebei. The results of variance analysis showed that Anstar and Gannong No.1 had the characteristics of good stability, high yield potential, strong regeneration and so on, which were favorable in planting on large areas. The variety of Kitawakaba from Japan was susceptible to water, which was favorable in planting on those plots having the condition of irrigation. In addition, Anstar alfalfa and Kitawakaba et al. were lodging resistant and had good orthotropism, which were suitable for mechanized harvesting. Endemic variety Cangzhou alfalfa was oppressed at hay yield, regeneration and orthotropism.

Key words: Alfalfa, Characteristic, Adaptability, Cultivar

摘要: 1997—2000年在冀滨海低平原区研究甘农一号、和阗苜蓿、沧州苜蓿、安斯塔、北若叶、立若叶等六个国内外紫花苜蓿品种的特性和适应性鉴定。结果表明,安斯塔、甘农一号苜蓿生产稳定性好,产草量潜力较大,再生性强,综合性状好,适宜在当地大面积推广种植。日本的北若叶苜蓿适宜在当地灌溉条件下种植。另外,安斯塔、北若叶等苜蓿品种直立性较好,适宜机械收割。地方品种沧州苜蓿在草产量、再生性、直立性等方面均处于劣势。

关键词: 苜蓿, 品种特性, 适应性

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