›› 2004, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 107-112.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2004.02.007

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Yield and Photosynthesis of intercropped Maize and Alfalfa

CHEN Yu-xiang1, ZHOU Dao-wei2, ZHANG Yu-fen3   

  1. 1. School of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin Province 130025, China;
    2. Institute of Grassland Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province 130024, China;
    3. College of Life Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Received:2003-06-19 Revised:2004-02-13 Online:2004-05-15 Published:2004-05-15


陈玉香1, 周道玮2, 张玉芬3   

  1. 1. 吉林大学生物与农业工程学院, 长春, 130025;
    2. 东北师范大学草地科学研究所, 长春, 130024;
    3. 北京师范大学生命科学学院, 北京, 100875
  • 通讯作者: 周道玮,E-mail:zhoudw@nenu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:陈玉香(1970- ),女,蒙古族,内蒙古通辽人,博士,讲师,研究方向为植物生物化学及恢复生态学,已发表论文8篇
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: An experiment was conducted by intercropping maize and alfalfa to compare the yield, output value, and photosynthesis of the two crops with those of the monocropped maize and alfalfa. The result shows that though the yield of intercropped maize and alfalfa decreased in comparison to the monocropped, the total output value and land utilization ratio have been enhanced, while mitigating the imbalance between livestock number and grass supply of the farming-pastoral areas. It also shows that the net photosynthesizing rates of intercropped maize and alfalfa declined compared to the monocropped. The limit factor of the intercropped maize is soil moisture, while that of its partner is active photosynthetic radiation. Authors of the paper consider it feasible to intercrop maize and alfalfa in farming-pastoral areas.

Key words: Grassland science, Maize, Alfalfa, Intercropping, Yield, Photosynthesis

摘要: 本实验将玉米与苜蓿间作,研究单作及间作玉米、苜蓿的产量、产值以及光合作用。间作条件下,玉米、苜蓿产量均低于单作,但是间作的土地单位面积产值增加,提高了土地利用率,缓解了农牧交错地区的草畜矛盾。单作及间作玉米、苜蓿光合作用测定结果显示,间作玉米与单作玉米比较,净光合速率呈现下降趋势;间作苜蓿与单作苜蓿相比,净光合速率也有所下降。对于间作玉米,水分成为其生长的限制因子,对于间作苜蓿,光合有效辐射成为其生长限制因子。作者认为粮草间作在农牧交错地区具有可行性。

关键词: 草原学, 玉米, 苜蓿, 间作, 产量, 光合作用

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