›› 2006, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 165-169.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2006.02.015

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A Study on Replenishment and Decomposition of Organic Matter in and Mat-Cryic Cambisols CO2 Flux Between Vegetation and Atmosphere

LI Ying-nian1, WANG Qin-xue2, DU Ming-yuan3, ZHAO Liang1, XU Shi-xiao1, TANG Yan-hong2, ZHAO Xin-quan4, YU Guiri 1   

  1. 1. Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, CAS, Xining 830001, China;
    2. National Institute for Environmental Studies, 3050053, Japan;
    3. National Institute for Agro-Environmental Science, 3058604, Japan;
    4. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100001 China
  • Received:2005-08-11 Revised:2006-02-17 Online:2006-05-15 Published:2006-05-15


李英年1, 王勤学2, 杜明远3, 赵亮1, 徐世晓1, 唐艳鸿2, 于贵瑞4, 赵新全1, 古松1   

  1. 1. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 青海, 西宁, 810001;
    2. 日本国立环境研究所, 日本, 筑波, 3050053;
    3. 日本农业环境技术研究所, 3058604;
    4. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101
  • 作者简介:李英年(1962- ),男,青海乐都人,副研究员,主要从事生物气象、全球变化研究,E-mail:ynli@nwipb.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In Mat-Cryic Cambisols region,biomass of growing plants and soil organic matter(SOM) were invesgated,and eddy covariance of CO2 flux between vagetation and atmosphere was observed.The results suggested that 1) more than 90% of the underground biomass was concentrated in the soil layer of 010 cm,annual net primary production was about 935.0 g/m2;the content of SOM was ranged from 6.401% to 7.060%.2) There was significant daily and seasonal variation in CO2 flux of alpine meadow ecosystem.As for seasonal dynamic,it is net CO2 influx(780 g CO2/m2) from middle May to end of September,and monthly peak is July;net CO2 influx volume exceed net CO2 efflux(383gCO2/m2) from first October to May.Annual net CO2 flux is 397 g/m2.

Key words: Mat-Cryic Cambisols, Mattic epipedon, Organic matter, Biomass, Net primary production, CO2 flux

摘要: 调查草毡寒冻雏形土生物量及土壤有机质,利用涡度相关技术观测该区域作用层与大气CO2通量。结果表明:地下90%生物量集中于0~10cm的表土层,年总净初级生产量约935.0g/m2;土壤有机质含量在6.401~7.060%之间;净CO2通量呈明显的日变化和季节变 化规律;5月中 旬到9月底为CO2的净吸收(780gCO2/m2),其中以7月最高,净吸收量明显高于非生长季的,10月到翌年5月初CO2的净排放量(383gCO2/m2);全年固定碳高达397g/m2

关键词: 草毡寒冻雏形土, 草毡表层, 有机质, 生物量, 净初级生产力, CO2通量

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