›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 358-364.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2009.03.018

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Physical Property of Different Golf Green Rootzone Soil Mixtures and Its Effect on Turfgrass Growth

YIN Shao-hua1,2, LU Xin-shi1, HAN Lie-bao1   

  1. 1. Turfgrass Institute, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;
    2. School of Horticulture and Forestry, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei Province 430070, China
  • Received:2007-12-17 Revised:2009-03-13 Online:2009-06-15 Published:2009-06-15


尹少华1,2, 卢欣石1, 韩烈保1   

  1. 1. 北京林业大学草坪研究所, 北京, 100083;
    2. 华中农业大学园艺林学学院, 湖北, 武汉, 430070
  • 通讯作者: 韩烈保,E-mail:hanlb@tom.com
  • 作者简介:尹少华(1964- ),湖北人,博士研究生,研究方向为运动场与高尔夫球场草坪建植与管理,E-mail:yinshaohua@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The physical property of thirteen golf green rootzone soil mixtures varying in particle size distribution and peat ratio and its effect on turfgrass growth of ’penncross’ bentgrass were tested.Only three out of the thirteen soil mixtures conformed to the USGA particle size distribution specifications.The results are as follows: bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksat) of pure sandy mixtures increased compared with peaty soil,while total and capillary porosity decreased.When peat ratio exceeded 5%,even if the rates of silt and clay(<0.05 mm) were very small,the Ksat value of mixtures did not meet the USGA minimum threshold of 150 mm per hour.The physical properties of pure sandy mixtures with particle size distribution out of the acceptable range of USGA specifications were still up to the mustard of USGA specifications if the rates of silt and clay in mixtures were very small.The range of USGA particle size distribution might be properly broaden.Compared to the peaty soil mixtures,turf establishment was slower,total clipping yields was poorer,and turf green returning was earlier on the pure sandy rootzone mixtures;the aboveground biomass were less in early growth season,but had no significant differences in late growth season;the underground biomass had no significant differences in early growth season,but was more in late growth season;the visual turf quality was worse in early growth season,but the differences was decreased in late growth season.

Key words: Golf course green, Rootzone soil mixtures, Particle size distribution, Peat ratio, Physical property, Turf growth

摘要: 对13种不同配方高尔夫果岭混合土壤的物理性质及其对草坪生长的影响进行测定。这13种土壤中只有3种土壤的粒径分布符合美国高尔夫协会(USGA)推荐标准。结果表明:全沙土壤容重、饱和导水率明显高于含泥炭的土壤,而总孔隙、毛管孔隙则相反;当泥炭含量超过5%时,即使土壤粒径分布中其他指标都符合要求,且小于0.05 mm粒径的粉粒和粘粒含量较少,土壤的饱和导水率仍然较小,不能达标;粒径分布不符合USGA标准的全沙土壤,只要小于0.05 mm粒径的粉粒和粘粒含量较少,这些土壤的物理性质仍然符合USGA标准;USGA标准中粒径分布范围可适当放宽;全沙处理与含泥炭的处理相比:全沙处理成坪慢,草屑量较少,返青较早,地上生物量在成坪早期明显较少,到成坪后期则差异不明显,地下生物量在成坪早期差异不显著,而到成坪后期明显较多;表观草坪质量在成坪早期明显较差,到成坪后期差异减少。

关键词: 高尔夫球场果岭, 混合土壤, 粒径分布, 泥炭含量, 物理性质, 草坪生长

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