›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (6): 799-802.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2009.06.019

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Study on the Phenolic Acid Allelochemicals Contents of the Aqueous Extracts of Ten Alfalfa Cultivars at the Blooming Stage

LI Zhi-hua, SHEN Yi-xin, LIU Xin-bao, YU Jing, ZHAO Fang-fang, LUO Tao   

  1. College of Animal Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210095, China
  • Received:2009-03-30 Revised:2009-09-17 Online:2009-12-15 Published:2009-12-15


李志华, 沈益新, 刘信宝, 于静, 赵芳芳, 罗涛   

  1. 南京农业大学动物科技学院, 南京, 210095
  • 作者简介:李志华(1966- ),女,内蒙赤峰人,副教授,博士,主要从事牧草及饲料作物高产栽培、草地资源的开发与利用、草坪绿化方面的教学和科研工作,E-mail:lizhihua@njau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The phenolic acids contents,p-hydroxybenzoic acid,caffeic acid,p-coumaric acid,chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid,in the aqueous extracts of aboveground part and root of ten alfalfa cultivars at the blooming stage were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) in 2003.The results show that Defi,Alegro,and Sanditi were the cultivars with relatively high phenolic acid allelochemicals content in ten tested alfalfa cultivars and there was at least one certain phenolic acid content in the aqueous extracts of aboveground part and root of those cultivars was significantly higher than that of other cultivars.The phenolic acid content in the aqueous extracts of aboveground part was different from that in the aqueous extracts of root for a given cultivar.The total phenolic acids content in the aqueous extracts of aboveground part were higher than that of the aqueous extracts of root.In summary,the content of a given phenolic acid was different between alfalfa cultivars and different between aboveground part and root.The appropriate cultivars of alfalfa should be chosen in practice in order to rationally apply the allelopathy of weed inhibition,overcome the autotoxicity effects,and eventually enhance the ability of alfalfa production.

Key words: Alfalfa cultivar, Phenolic acids, Allelochemicals, Aqueous extract

摘要: 采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)于2003年分析了10个紫花苜蓿(Medicago Sativa L.)品种开花期地上部和根水浸提液中羟基苯甲酸、咖啡酸、香豆酸、绿原酸和阿魏酸5种酚酸类化感物质的含量.结果表明:德福(Defi)、艾格(Alegro)和三德利(Sanditi)的地上部和根水浸提液中至少有一种酚酸含量明显高于其他供试品种,是供试品种中酚酸类化感物质含量较高的品种;同一酚酸类在同一紫花苜蓿品种的地上部和根浸提液中的含量不同;供试的紫花苜蓿品种地上部水浸提液总酚酸的含量高于根水浸提液.因此,不同紫花苜蓿品种的同一酚酸类化感物质的含量存在差异,同一酚酸类化感物质的含量在紫花苜蓿的地上部和根中的含量不同.建议生产中选择适宜的紫花苜蓿品种,充分利用其化感抑草作用,克服其连作的自毒作用,达到提高草地生产能力的目的.

关键词: 紫花苜蓿品种, 酚酸类, 化感物质, 水浸提液

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