›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 312-317.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2012.02.018

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Effects of Cobalt and Molybdenum Fertilizer on Growth, Seed Yields and Quality of Centrosema pubescens in Humid Subtropical Areas

HUANG Mei-fen, HE Zhan-xing, XUE Shi-ming, ZHONG Sheng, HUANG Bi-zhi   

  1. Yunnan Academy of Grassland and Animal Science, Kunming, Yunnan Province 650212, China
  • Received:2011-10-10 Revised:2012-01-16 Online:2012-04-15 Published:2012-07-05


黄梅芬, 和占星, 薛世明, 钟声, 黄必志   

  1. 云南省草地动物科学研究院, 云南 昆明 650212
  • 通讯作者: 黄必志,E-mail:hbz@ynbp.cn
  • 作者简介:黄梅芬(1965- ),女,福建泉州人,硕士,研究员,主要从事牧草植物营养、种质资源等研究工作,E-mail: Huangmeifen10@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: To entirely discuss the nutrient requirements of Centrosema pubescens in humid subtropical areas, a completely randomized factorial design with one factor was used to investigate the effect of cobalt (Co) and molybdenum (Mo) fertilizers on the quality and yields of dry-matter and seed of an excellent C. pubescens in Yunnan province. Results showed that C. pubescens with applying Co fertilizers increased 8.9%~68.2% dry matter yields and 3.8%~98.4% seed yields comparing with control (without Co fertilizer), respectively; and the average net nutrient requirements of C. pubescens per hectare also increased (200.0% sulphur, 47.8% magnesium, 42.5% phosphorus, 34.6% nitrogen, 32.9% calcium, 31.2% manganese, 26.5% potassium, 21.6% zinc and 11.0% copper) comparing with control. C. pubescens with applying Mo fertilizers increased 59.6%~103.3% seed yields comparing with control (without Mo fertilizer) and the average net nutrient requirements of C. pubescens per hectare such as sulphur increased 174.4%, copper 157.8%, manganese 71.4%, phosphorus 70.4%, potassium 60.7%, calcium 53.6%, magnesium 52.4% and nitrogen 23.6% comparing with control. General analysis showed that both high quality and high yield of C. pubescens would be harvested with the application of 126 g Co·hm-2, 162 g Mo·hm-2 and other basical element fertilizers.

Key words: Cobalt, Molybdenum, Centrosema pubescens, Yield, Latosolic red earth

摘要: 为全面探讨优良距瓣豆(Centrosema pubescens)在亚热带湿热地区生长的营养需要,采用单因子完全随机区组试验设计,开展钴钼微肥不同施量对距瓣豆的干物质产量和质量以及种子产量的影响试验。结果表明:施不同量的钴肥,距瓣豆的干物质产量和种子产量比不施钴肥的对照分别提高8.9%~68.2%和3.8%~98.4%,单位面积距瓣豆的平均净营养需求量依次比对照增加200.0%硫、47.8%镁、42.5%磷、34.6%氮、32.9%钙、31.2%锰、26.5%钾、21.6%锌和11.0%铜。而不同施钼量,距瓣豆种子产量比对照提高59.6%~103.3%,并在不同程度上增加距瓣豆的磷、钾、钙、镁、硫、铜、锌和锰的含量,单位面积距瓣豆的平均净营养产出量依次比对照增加174.4%硫、157.8%铜、70.4%磷、71.4%锰、60.7%钾、53.7%钙、52.4%镁和23.6%氮。综合分析表明,在亚热带湿热地区种植距瓣豆以施基肥+钴肥126 g·hm-2+钼肥162 g·hm-2为获得优质高产的施肥量。

关键词: 钴, 钼, 距瓣豆, 产量, 赤红壤

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