Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 683-688.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2013.04.009

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Effects of Different Growth Stages of Three Oat Cultivars on the Nutritive Value of Silage

YANG Yun-gui, CHENG Tian-liang, YANG Xue-jiao, ZHANG Yue-li   

  1. College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi Province 712100, China
  • Received:2013-01-28 Revised:2013-03-13 Online:2013-08-15 Published:2013-08-14


杨云贵, 程天亮, 杨雪娇, 张越利   

  1. 西北农林科技大学动物科技学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100
  • 作者简介:杨云贵(1964- ),男,甘肃平凉人,副教授,主要从事草地生态及牧草营养价值评定研究,
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: The advantage of ensiled oats was investigated and the optimized cultivar and growth stage for oat silages were discussed. In this experiment, naked oat baiyan 2 and baiyan 7, husked oat baiyan 8 were mowed in earing stage, filling stage and milk stage as raw materials, respectively. These materials were wilted to be hay and ensiled regularly. After 90 days, the regular nutrients of oat silage and hay were determined and the quality of ensiled oat was evaluated. Results showed that the crude protein content of oat silage was 1%~2% higher than that of oat hay. As the delay of the growth stage, the dry matter of oat silage increased significantly (P<0.05). The dry matter of oat silage was 17.74%FM in earing stage, and 33.86%FM in milk stage. However, the crude protein content of oat silage decreased significantly (P<0.05), The crude protein content of oat silage was 12.28%DM in earing stage, and 9.49%DM in milk stage. In earing stage, the NH3-N/TN of oat silage was 12.99%, which demonstrate that it was not an appropriate period to ensile oat. The pH and volatile fatty acid of baiyan 8 silage was lower than that of other two cultivars. Therefore, the conclusion was that the nutritive value of ensiled oat was higher than that of oat hay. As for the nutrients, the silage of naked oat baiyan 2 and baiyan 8 mown in earing stage was better. The silage of baiyan 8 mown in milk stage gained the optimal quality.

Key words: Oat, Silage, Growth stage, Nutritive value, Silage quality

摘要: 选择裸燕麦(Avena sativa)白燕2号和白燕8号、皮燕麦白燕7号,分别在抽穗期、灌浆期和乳熟期刈割,进行常规青贮并调制青干草,90 d后测定燕麦青贮料与青干草的常规营养成分,分析燕麦青贮料的青贮品质。结果表明:燕麦青贮料的粗蛋白含量比青干草中粗蛋白含量高1%~2%。随着生育时期的延迟,燕麦青贮料中干物质含量显著提高(P<0.05),抽穗期为17.74%FM,乳熟期为33.86%FM。粗蛋白含量显著降低(P<0.05),抽穗期为12.28%DM,乳熟期为9.49%DM。抽穗期燕麦青贮料的氨态氮/总氮为12.99%,青贮效果差。在3个燕麦品种中白燕8号青贮料的pH和挥发性脂肪酸较低。因此,燕麦青贮料的营养价值高于青干草,在干物质基础上,裸燕麦白燕2号和白燕8号在抽穗期制作青贮料营养成分较优,而青贮品质则是乳熟期白燕8号的青贮料最好。

关键词: 燕麦, 青贮, 生育时期, 营养价值, 青贮品质

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