Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 135-141.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2017.01.020

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Effects of Waterlogging Stress on the Yield and Quality of Alfalfa Varieties

CAO Gang1, DONG Hui2, CHE Zhao1, QI Long-chang1, WANG Teng1, SONG He1, YANG Lie1, DONG Zhao-rong1   

  1. 1. College of Agricultural, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui Province 230036, China;
    2. Sierte Fertilizer Industry Co., LTD. Ningguo, Anhui Province 242300, China
  • Received:2016-04-28 Revised:2016-10-25 Online:2017-02-15 Published:2017-05-06


曹刚1, 董慧2, 车钊1, 齐龙昌1, 王腾1, 宋贺1, 杨烈1, 董召荣1   

  1. 1. 安徽农业大学农学院, 安徽 合肥 230036;
    2. 安徽省司尔特肥业股份有限公司, 安徽 宁国 242300
  • 通讯作者: 董召荣,;杨烈,
  • 作者简介:曹刚(1990-),男,安徽安庆人,硕士研究生,主要研究作物栽培生理生态和高产攻关,
  • 基金资助:



Five alfalfa (Medicago sativa.) varieties, including ‘Jinhuanghou’(B1), ‘Aerjingang’(B2), ‘Weiduoliya’(B3), ‘Juneng No.551’(B4) and ‘Junengnaishi’ (B5) were selected to investigate the effects of waterlogging stress on population quality and hay quality of different alfalfa varieties and screen the stronger adaptability varieties to waterlogging stress, in this study. The results showed that with flooding time increase, the significant differences presented among yields of various alfalfa varieties, compared with 0 d. Among the yield of 1 d treatment, those of B3, B4, B5 have increased production, then gradually decline with the prolonged waterlogging, while the production of B1 and B2 with prolonged flooding time was reduced. The yields of 5 d treatments for each type were ranked as B5 > B1 > B4 > B3 > B2. Short-term flooding on B1, B3, B5 stimulates plant height, and restrain growth gradually with the extension of time. The plant heights of B1, B3, B5 were significantly higher than those of B2, B4 at 5 d waterlogging treatments. When flooded with 5 d, leaf number of B1, B4, B5 were significantly higher than B2, B3. Compared with 0 d, the growth rate of B5 only reduced 15.38%, which was significantly higher than those of other varieties. At the same time, the internode number, branch number, root length and root weight of B5 was significantly higher than those of other varieties. Furthermore, photosynthetic capacity of B5 was significantly stronger than the others, which ranked as B5 > B1 > B4 > B2 > B3. As to hay quality, forage qualities of B1, B4, B5 at water stresses were significantly superior to B2 and B3. Overall, B5 was prior to other cultivars in population quality and hay quality under waterlogging stress. the ‘Junengnaishi’ could be spreaded in the southern rainy area of the Huaihe River in our country.

Key words: Alfalfa, Waterlogging stress, Yield, Hay quality


为确定淹水胁迫下适应性相对较强的苜蓿(Medicago sativa)品种,以‘金皇后’(B1)、‘阿尔金刚’(B2)、‘维多利亚’(B3)、‘巨能551’(B4)和‘巨能耐湿’(B5)为材料,研究了淹水处理对不同苜蓿品种群体质量和品质的影响。结果表明,随着淹水时间增加,不同苜蓿品种草产量之间差异显著,与0 d相比1 d淹水处理下B3,B4,B5的产量增加,随水淹胁迫时间的增加产量逐渐下降,而B1,B2则随淹水时间延长持续降低,5 d时各品种草产量表现为B5 > B1 > B4 > B3 > B2;短期淹水对B1,B3,B5 株高有促进作用,之后随时间延长逐渐降低,淹水5 d时明显高于B2,B4。淹水5 d时,B1,B4,B5 的叶片数显著高于B2,B3,而 B5的生长速率较0 d仅降低15.38%,生长速率显著高于其他品种,其节间数、分枝数、根长和根重也均显著高于其他各品种;同时淹水5 d时,B5光合能力显著强于其他品种,表现为B5 > B1 > B4 > B2 > B3;而品质上,B1,B4,B5在水淹胁迫后牧草品质均显著优于B2和B3。综上所述,‘巨能耐湿’(B5)在淹水胁迫下抗逆和恢复能力表现较好,群体质量相对较高,对产量品质影响较小,适宜在我国淮河以南多雨地区推广种植。

关键词: 紫花苜蓿, 淹水胁迫, 产量, 品质

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