Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 99-104.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2018.01.012

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Evaluation of the Production Performance of 5 Tall Fescue cultivars in Hilly Area of Central Sichuan Basin

ZHANG Fan, LI Xiao-mei, SONG Xin, ZHANG Dong, GUAN Hao, ZHANG Xin-quan, YAN Yan-hong   

  1. Department of Grassland Science, College of Animal Science and Technology, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, Sichuan Provience 611130, China
  • Received:2017-06-06 Revised:2018-03-20 Online:2018-02-15 Published:2018-05-25


张帆, 李小梅, 宋鑫, 张东, 关皓, 张新全, 闫艳红   

  1. 四川农业大学动物科技学院草业科学系, 四川 成都 611130
  • 通讯作者: 闫艳红
  • 作者简介:张帆(1991-),女,四川成都人,在读硕士,主要从事饲草栽培生理方面研究,
  • 基金资助:



In order to screen out suitable tall festuca varieties for planting in hilly areas of central Sichuan Province, the field experiments were conducted to compare the production performance of 5 tall festuca cultivars in Hesha Town and Tianbao Town of Suining City. The results showed that the growth rate and hay yield of ‘Kerui’ were the highest (P<0.05) in the two test sites ,which were 0.564 cm·d-1 and 8 842 kg·hm-2, respectively, followed by ‘Martin’ and ‘Jingang’. In addition, the production of crude protein and water soluble carbohydrates were the highest in ‘Kerui’ with 1 345 kg·hm-2 and 887 kg·hm-2, respectively, followed by ‘Meishijia’ and ‘Jingang’. Whereas, the production of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber of ‘Meishijia’ and ‘Kerui’ were the lowest (P<0.05), and there were no significant difference between these two cultivars. In summary, ‘Kerui’, ‘Meishijia’ and ‘Jingang’ had the higher hay yield and nutritional quality, which could be popularized and have better application value in this area.

Key words: Tall fescue, Yield, Nutrient content


在川中丘陵地区遂宁市河沙镇和天保镇,对5个苇状羊茅(Festuca arundinace Schreb.)品种进行牧草生产性能的比较研究,旨在筛选出适宜在该区种植的品种。结果表明,‘科瑞’在两个试点的生长速度和干草总产量均最高,分别为0.564 cm·d-1和8 842 kg·hm-2,显著高于其它品种(P<0.05),其次为‘金刚’和‘马丁’。粗蛋白和可溶性碳水化合物产量均以‘科瑞’最高,分别为1 345 kg·hm-2和887 kg·hm-2,均显著高于其它品种(P<0.05),其次为‘美食家’和‘金刚’;中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维产量均以‘美食家’和‘科瑞’最低,二者无显著性差异。综上所述,‘科瑞’、‘美食家’和‘金刚’的干草产量较高,营养品质较好,在川中丘陵区具有较好的推广价值。

关键词: 苇状羊茅, 产量, 营养成分

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