›› 2004, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (4): 332-336.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2004.04.017

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Morphology and Cultural Properties of a Leymus chinensis Adjusting to Ground-Cover and Landscaping

XI Qing-guo   

  1. Dongying Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Shandong Province Dongying 257091, China
  • Received:2003-09-10 Revised:2004-06-07 Online:2004-11-15 Published:2004-11-15



  1. 东营市农业科学研究所, 山东省, 东营市, 257091
  • 作者简介:席庆国(1959- ),男,山西运城人,农学博士,研究方向为植物栽培

Abstract: By artificial selection and single plant propagation, a vegetative strain of Leymus chinensis of bluish colour and unitary property suitable for ground-cover and landscaping is cultivated. In contrast to wild Leymus chinensis, the strain has morphological characteristics as:ripen brown spike, palea obviously shorter than the lemma. In the Beijing area, it starts to spike at the end of March and to flower in late May. Flowering continues for about a week. At early June, the density of its branching culms reaches 1852 culm/m2 with a spiking rate of 14.3%. Hereafter, the culms' density begins to wane. The plant can be transplanted any time during its vegetation with 100% surviving rate. Transplantation facilitates its rhizomes to extend outward evenly. The average extension distance within the year of transplanting reaches 2.09 m. From then on, the extension rate slows down. Upon the obtained data, the maximum distance between the resetting plants should be 2.96 m. Cutting during vegetation disturbs the growth. In landscaping and gardening the plant shows unique aesthetic effect with its special bluish colour in contrast to the fresh yellowish green of the surrounding verdures.

Key words: Grassland science, Leymus chinensis, Vegetative strain, Ground-cover, Lanscaping

摘要: 经人工选择和无性繁殖所获得的灰蓝型羊草株系,蓝色特征突出,生育状况一致,可用于地面生态覆盖和绿化配景,该羊草株系与普通羊草相比,其形态特点是穗为褐色,内稃明显短于外稃;在北京地区3月底抽穗,月底开花,花期1周左右,6月初茎枝密度为182个/m2,抽穗率14.3%,尔后密度略有增加;在生长期间均可移栽,成活率100%,移栽可促进根茎向外扩展,扩展速度整齐一致;移栽后当年根茎向外扩展的距离为2.09m,尔后扩展速度减慢,移栽的最大株距为2.96m.生长期间刈割对羊草的长势有明显影响.在绿化配景中羊草栽培群落的蓝绿色与其它植物的黄绿色相映衬,能够产生独特的审美效果.

关键词: 羊草, 无性系, 地面生态覆盖, 绿化配景

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