Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 1998, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3): 207-211.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.1998.03.008

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Studies on Population Dynamics and Prediction of Phodopus sungorus

Dong Weihui1, Hou Xixian1, Zhou Yanlin1, Zhang Yaoxing2, Lang Binju2, Xue Xiaoping2   

  1. 1.Grassland Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Huhhot 010010;
    2.Xilinguole Station of Rodent Control, Xilinhaote 026000
  • Online:1998-08-15 Published:1998-08-15


董维惠1, 侯希贤1, 周延林1, 张耀星2, 郎炳聚2, 薛小平2   

  1. 1.中国农业科学院草原研究所, 呼和浩特, 010010;
    2.内蒙古锡林郭勒盟鼠疫防治站, 锡林浩特, 026000
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Phodopus sungorus is one of the common rodent species on steppe of Inner Mongolia.Itspopulation dynamics was investigated on natural pasture in Zhegiangbai County by rectilinear-trappingmethod in the middle ten days from May to September during 1987~1996.A total efforts of 42750 trap-ping-days was made and 4121 rodents were captured, in which 179 specimens were Phodopus Sun-gorus.Population sizes of this rodent had significant seasonal difference.The seasonal patem of populationsize attained one peak in the late spring of early summer during 1987~1994, but two peaks during 1995~1996.There were also significant difference among years.The maximum and minimum population sizesoccurred in 1987 and 1993 respectively during the 10 years and the amplitude was 39.Prediction modelswere established with the index of capture rate.The results showed that the prediction values are close tothe actual values.

Key words: Phodopus sungorus, Population size, Prediction

摘要: 黑线毛足鼠在我国分布于北方典型草原和半荒漠草原,是内蒙古锡林郭勒草原的常见鼠种之-。笔者于1987~1996年每年5~9月在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟正镶白旗天然草原,利用直线铗日法对该鼠的种群数量进行调查。十年共布放了42750个铗日,捕获鼠4121只,其中黑线毛足鼠179只,居第四位。黑线毛足鼠种群数量季节变化明显,除1995和1996年数量消长曲线是双峰外,其余各年均为单峰,而且为前峰型,以春末夏初数量最高。年均种群数量变化大。十年中以1987年数量最高,是最低年(1993年)的力培,差异较大。以捕获率作为预测指标,用1987、1988、1995和1996年各月的数据作回归分析,提出两个预测公式,即利用当月捕获率预测下月和隔月的数量,预测结果较准确。

关键词: 黑线毛足鼠, 种群数量, 预测预报