Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (5): 888-894.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2013.05.008

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Effects of Converting Degraded Cropland to Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Grassland on Soil Physicochemical Properties

GUO Zhi-bin1,2,3, WANG Dao-zhong1,3, LI Feng-min2   

  1. 1. Soil Fertility Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei, Anhui Province 230031, China;
    2. MOE Key Laboratory of Arid Agroecology, School of Life Science, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu Province 730000, China;
    3. Key laboratory of Nutrient Cycling and Resources Environment of AnHui Province, Hefei, Anhui Province 230031, China
  • Received:2012-11-18 Revised:2013-03-01 Published:2013-10-30


郭志彬1,2,3, 王道中1,3, 李凤民2   

  1. 1. 安徽省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所, 安徽 合肥 230031;
    2. 兰州大学 干旱与草地教育部重点实验室, 甘肃 兰州 730000;
    3. 安徽省资源环境与养分循环重点实验室, 安徽 合肥 230031
  • 通讯作者: 李凤民
  • 作者简介:郭志彬(1983- ),男,安徽宿州人,博士,助理研究员,主要从事农业生态学研究,
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: To find an efficient way of developing sustainable agriculture, the effect of converting degraded cropland to grassland on soil quality was investigated with two treatments-natural (NR) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) (AF) grasslands. Results showed that both NR and AF treatments improved soil light fraction organic carbon (LFOC). The LFOCs of NR and AF treatments in 2007 increased by 41.00% and 30.91% compared to 2003, respectively. Besides, AF treatment enhanced soil nitrogen content and the economic benefits of local farmers were improved by harvesting forage. The annual average aboveground biomass of alfalfa was up to 1957.1 kg·hm-2. However, long-term growth of alfalfa resulted in deep soil water depletion. The soil water content of 200~500 cm soil layer in 2007 was 32.6% lower than that in 2003 for AF treatment, and that was significantly lower than soil permanent wilting point. Moreover, alfalfa extracted soil available phosphorus so greatly that a negative correlation was existed between available phosphorus and the growth years of alfalfa (r=-0.735**, P≤0.01). Therefore, planting alfalfa is an efficient approach to restore degraded croplands and develop sustainable agriculture, and less than five planting years is recommended.

Key words: Alfalfa, Soil water content, Soil organic carbon, Light fraction organic carbon

摘要: 为探明不同退耕还草方式对土壤质量的影响,有效发展可持续农业,对退化耕地转化为自然草地和紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)草地后的土壤物理化学性质进行了分析。结果表明:自然草地和紫花苜蓿草地均能改善土壤轻组有机碳(LFOC)。与2003年相比,自然草地和苜蓿草地在2007年LFOC分别增加41%和30.91%。此外,苜蓿草地有利于提高土壤氮含量以及通过生产苜蓿草料增加农户经济收入。试验期间,苜蓿年平均地上干生物量为1957.1 kg·hm-2。然而,苜蓿长期生长不利于深层土壤水分和0~20 cm土壤有效磷的提高。相比2003年,2007年苜蓿地200~500 cm的土壤水分下降了32.6%,显著低于土壤的永久萎蔫系数,而0~20 cm土壤速效磷含量也与苜蓿生长年限成反比(r=-0.735**, P≤0.01)。总之,相比自然草地,在控制苜蓿生长年限的条件下,种植紫花苜蓿是改善土壤质量和发展可持续农业的有效途径。建议苜蓿生长的年限不要超过5年。

关键词: 紫花苜蓿, 土壤水分含量, 土壤有机碳, 土壤轻组有机碳

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